HMS Rigel (BC-591)

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HMS Rigel (BC-591) is a Nike-class Battlecruiser within First Fleet. Commanded by CAPTJG Christopher Vicchitto, Rigel claims Alexandria, VA as her charter city.


Commissioned in 2014 under Captain Eric Schulman[1], Rigel is the newest hull for a crew with a lineage dating back to HMS Artegal. In 2015, command shifted to Captain Ed Wandall[2], then to Captain Alice Fawcett later that year[3], where it remained until mid 2021, when it changed over to her present command team[4]. While under the command of Captain Fawcett, Rigel was assigned to BatCruRon 11, within BatCruDiv 112, where it has remained until this day.[5]

At present, Rigel has declared her home con to be BetaCon in northeastern Pennsylvania, though the crew are actively seeking additional cons to give their patronage. The crew has a strong history of gaming, at present manifesting as monthly gaming nights and D&D at Captain Vicchitto's home. To augment this, they hold monthly virtual ships meetings, of wide and varied topics.

Commanding Officers

# Name Assumed Relieved
1 CAPTSG Eric Schulman 04 March 2014 01 Month 2014
2 CAPTJG Ed Wandall 01 April 2014 30 October 2015
3 CAPTJG Alice Fawcett 30 October 2015 28 June 2021
4 CAPTJG Christopher Vicchitto 28 June 2021 Incumbent

Crew Lineage

Command Staff

Ship's Honors


Fleet excellence award (ribbon) (gold).pngRoyal meritorious unit citation (ribbon).png
  • Fleet Excellence Award with Gold E: Awarded 23 May, 2015, as part of the awards issued at MantiCon 2015.
  • Royal Meritorious Unit Citation: Awarded 21 September 2021, by order of RADM Sir Jon Stout. "For outstanding group performance as the highest achieving Home Fleet chapter in the 'Run for the Cats 2021' event, the Royal Meritorious Unit Citation is hereby awarded to the crew of HMS Rigel. Congratulations!"[8]

Ship's Orders

NOTE: This Wiki is the authoritative source for orders per the Fourth Space Lord. All orders have been provided by the issuing authority or are as posted in the TRMN Forums.

Ship's Orders are subordinate to, and expand upon or amplify Admiralty Orders, Naval Directives, and First Fleet Orders. They are applicable to Rigel operations and personnel.

Order No. Effective Date Subject Status
HMS Rigel Ship's Order XXXX-XX 24 August 2016 Place Holder for Future Orders Inactive


See Also

Royal Manticoran Navy
Agamemnon (BC-P) Agamemnon (lead) - Achilles - Ajax - Andromeda - Black Rose - Dienekes - Diomedes - Hector - Helen - Heracles - Leonidas - Menelaus
Homer (BC) Homer (lead) - Atropos
Nike (BC) Artemis - Beowulf - Callisto - Excalibur - Horatius - Juno - Musashi - Penelope - Rigel - Truculent
Reliant (BC) Reliant (lead) - Athena - Claymore - Enterprise - Invincible‡ - Ishtar - Phantom - Royalist - Shiva - Victorious
Grayson Space Navy
Courvoisier (BC) Madrigal
Courvoisier II (BC-P) Randolph Candless - Maria Waltham
Imperial Andermani Navy
Blücher (BC) Buddenbrock
Warlord-D (BC) Hrolf Kraki