TRMN:Membership Handbook:FSL

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First Space Lord

The First Space Lord is the Senior Vice President (#3) of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc., Deputy Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Administrative arm of the organization, the RMN. For the work they do, this person is awarded the rank of Fleet Admiral.

First Space Lord Duties

  • Assist in the day-to-day operations of the organization
    • The issuing of regulations in the form of Naval Directives
    • Recommend Officers for Senior Leadership Positions
    • The day-to-day operations of the Royal Manticoran Navy Sub-Group, the Meeting Division of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association.
    • Responsible for coordinating the Royal Manticoran Navy Canon within the Royal Manticoran Navy: An Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc.
    • Appoints and coordinates with the Fleet Commanders on the status of the various Fleets.
  • Coordinate the various Administrative Offices of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association (These will be explained in more detail later in this handbook):
    • Second Space Lord – BuPlan – The Bureau of Planning and Administration. Oversees the Space Lords and coordinates their efforts. Also serves as the Outreach Officer to other organizations and Honorverse Fans. This position is primarily the Chief Marketing Officer.
    • Third Space Lord – BuShips – The Bureau of Ships and Operations. Signs off on new Chapters. This position is also the Chief Operations Officer.
    • Fourth Space Lord – BuComm – The Bureau of Communications. Coordinates the Newsletter and Web Sites of the Royal Manticoran Navy: An Honor Harrington Fan Association. This position is also the Chief Information Officer.
    • Fifth Space Lord – BuPers – The Bureau of Personnel. Maintains the membership section database and processes new and returning memberships. This position is also the Chief Personnel Officer.
    • Sixth Space Lord – BuTrain – The Bureau of Training. Responsible for the development and conduct of courses at Saganami Island Academy and the other service academies. This person is also the Chief Training Officer
    • Seventh Space Lord – BuSup – The Bureau of Supply & Quartermaster. Responsible for the Quartermaster Division of the Royal Manticoran Navy: An Honor Harrington Fan Association. This person is also the Chief Logistics Officer.
  • Call and Chair a Bi-Monthly Administration Meeting of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association and inviting the First Lord of the Admiralty in addition to the Space Lords
  • Call and Chair Meetings with Fleet Commanders as needed

Duties of the First Space Lord

  • Chief of Staff – Usually a Captain, junior grade or higher. Responsible for coordinating the staff in the Office of the First Space Lord
  • Staff Intelligence Officer – Usually a Captain Junior Grade or higher. Responsible for working and coordinating with the First Lord of the Admiralties Staff Intelligence Officer for event planning, keeping records of the same and suggesting the same for the Royal Manticoran Navy Sub-Group
  • Staff Communications Officer – Usually a Captain, junior gradeor higher. Responsible for facilitating the communicating with the Administrative Officers (Space Lords) and arranging the Monthly Administration Meeting
  • Leadership Board Coordination Officer – Usually a Captain, junior grade. Responsible for coordinating the Monthly Meeting of Regional Commanders of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association
  • Senior Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy – Senior Master Chief Petty Officer (E-10). This person is responsible for being an advocate for the Enlisted personnel in the RMN. They are also responsible for the Enlisted Promotion Boards.
  • Aide-de-camp – Usually a Commander or lower. Responsible for assisting the First Space Lord with awards and presentations when at events. This position will be appointed on an ad hoc basis by each Fleet as needed.
  • Flag Lieutenant – Usually a Lieutenant Senior Grade or lower. Responsible for the First Space Lord’s schedule when at events. This position should coordinate with both the Chief of Staff and the Aide-de-camp to ensure the First Space Lord is kept on schedule. This position will be appointed on an ad hoc basis by each Fleet as needed.
  • Commanding Officer, HMSS Greenwich – This billet is usually held by a Commodore or lower. This person is responsible for Membership Services for the RMN. This includes promotions as appropriate, certificates of awards, and DB management for the RMN. This person will look for opportunities to either connect this person with existing chapters of the TRMN, or to connect with other, locally unattached RMN personnel to start chapters in their area. This person will also oversee and help develop recruitment materials for the Royal Manticoran Navy.
  • Additionally, an Executive Officer must be selected in case the Commanding Officer is over taken by real life exigencies. The executive officer may be no higher than Captain.

The above positions may be expanded and have their duties amended or changed by any relevant Naval Directives.

Member Handbook Organization Navigation
First Lord of the Admiralty First Space Lord Commandant of the RMMC High Admiral of the GSN Marshall of the RMA Home Secretary Commissioner of the SFC
