TRMN:Membership Handbook:2SL

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The Second Space Lord is known as BuPlan, or the Bureau of Planning and Administration. This person, for the level of work they do, is awarded the minimum rank of Rear Admiral of the Red and maximum rank of Admiral of the Green depending on prior standing. The business-oriented name for this position is Chief Branding and Marketing Officer.

The Office of the Second Space Lord is responsible for coordinating the recruiting, convention and promotion activities and materials, public-facing websites and social media outlets of the Royal Manticoran Navy and for assisting the various Fleets in the same. Secondarily, they serve as Outreach Officer to other Fan Organizations and Groups while coordinating with the Ambassadorial Corps, managed through the Office of the First Lord of the Admiralty.

For further information, please consult the Bureau of Planning Manual.

Space Lords of TRMN
BuPlanCrest.png BuShipsCrest.png BuCommCrest.png BuPersCrest.png BuTrainCrest.png BuSupCrest.png
