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GNS Covington (C3) is a pre-Alliance Austin Grayson-class light cruiser and the oldest surviving warship in the Grayson Space Navy.[1].

Motto: "By my deeds shall you know Me"

Her current commanding officer is CAPT Rowan Wagstaff-Weston, GSN.

This article is about the historical GNS Covington and the current Grayson Space Navy Individual Honor Society.

For the modern Grayson Space Navy vessel, GNS Covington (CLAC-01), please click here.


Commissioned in 1880 PD[1], GNS Covington (C3) was the second of the GSN’s Austin Grayson-class light cruisers; only two of this class were built.

Following the heavy damage that she sustained in defense of Grayson during the First Battle of Yeltsin, the destruction of her sister ship GNS Austin-Grayson, and the modern technologies and starships made available to the Grayson Space Navy in their nascent alliance with the Star Kingdom of Manticore, Covington was due to be decommissioned and scrapped.

She was saved, however, by a robust letter-writing and media campaign organized by the Grayson Space Navy League and the Grayson Space Navy Family Support Command. The campaign urged the Navy, and the government, to preserve her as a testament to the bravery and tenacity of the Grayson Space Navy in defense of the planet and its people. Successful in their campaign, the Grayson Space Navy League arranged for the hulk to be towed to the newly opened Blackbird Yards where the Navy overhauled the vessel back to her original specifications. Once the project was completed, she was placed in a parking orbit above Grayson as a memorial and living history museum[1].

Museum Ship and Honor Posting

Following her overhaul and establishment in a parking orbit, it was determined by the Navy, even though she had been officially removed from the Naval Register and was now a museum ship, that given the ship’s illustrious history and status, it would be considered a high honor to be assigned as a member of her crew.

Thus, the Navy established the Grayson Honor Society under her name. Every year, the best of the best of the Grayson Space Navy would be inducted into the crew of GNS Covington (C3) and share in the legacy and honor of the ship. Crew membership did not require the honoree to physically crew the vessel; it was merely an additional billet afforded to the honoree which entitled them to wear the GNS Covington (C3) crest as a silver badge displayed center on the right pocket of the honoree’s service uniform.

It was determined that the Commanding Officer of GNS Covington (C3) be a senior, active-duty Grayson Space Navy Captain or Flag Officer, chosen by the Protector from a list of nominations voted on by the Navy's serving officers. The Commanding Officer of GNS Covington (C3) would be afforded the same privileges as any other Captain of a hyper-capable command.

If the Commanding Officer is of flag rank, that officer would have the additional distinction of being the only such officer in the Grayson Space Navy entitled to wear the silver cap band on their Service Cap and display the Command Star on their Mess Dress uniform.

The Royal Manticoran Navy, The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association

Protector's Policy Directive 1001

The Grayson Space Navy Individual Honor Society is governed according to PPD-1001. All pertinent information, including eligibility, the nomination process, and administrative functions, can be found within.

Crew Members of GNS Covington (C3)

Within The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc., assignment to GNS Covington (C3) is one of the highest honors for a member of the Grayson Space Navy. Crew members are considered to exemplify the absolute best in unswerving duty and service to the entire organization, with demonstrated and conspicuous accomplishment and achievement in the Grayson Space Navy in particular.

Commanding Officer of GNS Covington (C3)

Appointment as Commanding Officer of GNS Covington (C3) is by nomination and majority vote of the Selection Committee. The position of Commanding Officer is only once per lifetime, subject to the discretion of the Selection Committee.

Permanent Commanding Officer of GNS Covington (C3)

The position of Permanent Commanding Officer is reserved for those who have given preeminent service to the Grayson Space Navy and is appointed by the High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy, acting for, and at the direction of, the Protector of Grayson. This officer is appointed for life or until willing retirement. The Permanent Commanding Officer is afforded all honors and privileges as the Commanding Officer; however, they are not granted a seat on the Selection Committee.

The current and first Permanent Commanding Officer is Fleet Admiral Lord Robert Bulkeley Jr., Duke Mountain View.

It was his artistic vision and work that helped create the original look and feel of the Grayson Space Navy and, to a large extent, drove the design philosophy included in House of Steel. The look of the Grayson Space Navy, as it appears today, owes, in a large part, its existence to Fleet Admiral Bulkeley and, as such, he is honored as the first Permanent Commanding Officer of GNS Covington (C-02).

List of Permanent Commanding Officers

Year Name
2023 FADM Lord Robert Bulkeley Jr., GSN, Duke Mountain View

List of Commanding Officers

Year Name
2023 CAPT Rowan Wagstaff-Weston, GSN
2022 BGEN Christopher Bayonet, RMMC
2021 VADM Benyamin Loyola, GSN
2020 CAPT Misha Sumra, GSN
2019 VADM Lord Martyn Griffiths, GSN, Steadholder Pittman
2018 CAPT Aaron Davis, GSN
2017 CDRE Lohengrin Perez Canon, GSN

Crew Manifest


Covington badge.png

Honorees wear the crest of GNS Covington (C3) as a silver badge worn on the right breast pocket of the Grayson uniform. Note that, similar to the RMN and RMMC HMS Unconquered honor society, the Covington insignia may only be worn on a Grayson uniform. The crew assigned to GNS Covington (C3) may request a billet upon appointment. This will be a rating for enlisted crew and a department for officers.

This record is kept as a historical archive and honorees are listed by rank/rate when first inducted. As such, their listed rank and assignment may not reflect their current rank or assignment in The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc.. Further, as it is common in the organization for members to occasionally swap between service branches, some members listed may no longer be part of the Grayson Space Navy component. Additionally, as GNS Covington (C3) was created from the legacy Protector’s Own, all honorees pre-2023, which included members from across the organization and not necessarily from the Grayson Space Navy, have been transferred, along with any legacy billets, per Protector's Policy Directive 1001. The legacy positions of Executive Officer and Bosun have been eliminated per the same and are noted here for the historical record.

List of Legacy Executive Officers

Year Name
2022 CAPT Philip Clayton, GSN, Steadholder Fitzgerald
2021 CDR John Robison, GSN
2020 RADM Neil Simpson, GSN
2019 CAPT David Sanders, GSN
2018 CDRE Joseph Harney, RMN
2017 CAPT Philip Clayton, GSN

List of Legacy Bosuns

Year Name
2022 SMCPO Emilio Desalvo, RMN
2021 SCPO David Fretz, GSN
2020 MCPO Kevin Mortimer, GSN
2019 SMCPON Kathy Rau, GSN
2018 MCPO David Melsome, GSN, Steadholder Maelstromm
2017 CPO Benjamin Wagner, RMN


Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
Intelligence Officer Martyn Griffiths, GSN RADM 2017 GNS Albion
Intelligence Officer David Melsome, GSN RADM 2017 GNS Glory
Operations Officer Misha Sumra, GSN LCDR 2017 GNS Paul of Tarsus
Intelligence Officer Lohengrin Perez, GSN CDRE 2017 GNS Joshua
Master at arms Mate 3rd Class Ben Hatcher, GSN PO3 2018 GNS Glory
Chief Operations Mate Kevin Mortimer, GSN CPO 2018 HMLAC Constantine
Intelligence Officer Jamison Silinksy, GSN CPT 2019 GNS Covington


Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
Tactical Officer Heidi Nelson, RMN RADM 2017 Bureau of Supply
Tactical Officer (Weapons Group) Misty White, GSN CDRE 2017 GNS Glory
Tactical Officer (Electronic Warfare) Dan Connelly, GSN CDR 2017 GNS Erastus
Chief Missile Mate David Fretz, GSN CPO 2018 HMS Hector
Tactical Officer (Missile Operations) Benyamin Loyola, GSN CDR 2018 HMS Wolf


Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
Chief Engineering Officer Neil Simpson, GSN CDR 2018 GNS Joshua
Engineering Officer Joseph Barrow, GSN CAPT 2018 HMS Hydra
Senior Master Chief Power Mate William Underhill, GSN SMCPO 2019 GNS Albion


Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
Data Systems Emilio Desalvo CPO 2017 GNS Glory
Communications Officer Jeremy Carsten, RMN CAPTSG 2018 GNS Barbara Bancroft

Astrogation & Flight Operations

Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
Flight Operations Officer David Sanders, GSN CAPT 2017 GNS Glory
Coxswain Sarah Brider, RMN PO2 2017 GNS Paul of Tarsus
Astrogation Officer Rowan Wagstaff-Weston, GSN LCDR 2019 GNS Albion
Chief Helmsman John McLaughlin, GSN CPO 2017 GNS Erastus
Senior Master Chief Helmsman Sarah Hamilton, GSN SMCPO 2019 HMS Hawk


Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
Surgeon Officer Christopher Bayonet, GSN CPT 2019 GNS Hector Ferelli
Corpsman Allan MacBain, GSN CPO 2020 GNS Joshua


Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
Logistics Officer Barb Dalrymple, GSN LCDR 2017 GNS Erastus
Chief Storekeeper Benjamin Wagner, RMN CPO 2017 GNS Albion
Senior Master Chief Steward Kathy Rau, GSN SMCPON 2017 HMS Thunderer
Chief Steward Rayanne McClellan-Staubly, GSN CPO 2019 HMS Saladin
Logistics Officer Aaron J Davis, GSN CAPT 2018 GNS Randolph Candless


Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
Administration Officer Joseph Harney, RMN CDRE 2018 BATRON 2
Chaplain John Robison, GSN CDR 2017 GNS Erastus
Historian Officer Philip Clayton, GSN CAPT 2017 HMS Duke of Cromarty
Chief Historian's Mate Robyn Winans, GSN CPO 2017 GNS Barbara Bancroft
Historian's Mate 1st Class Conny Odengrund, GSN PO1 2017 GNS Glory

Non-Billeted Crewmembers

Billet Name Rank Inducted Assignment
- Laura Lüschen, IAN Flotillenadmiral 2017 SMRS Hohenzollern
- Fiona Clark, GSN LCDR 2022 HMS Pegasus

Inactive and HMS Valhalla

Status Name Rank Originally Inducted
HMS Valhalla David Cleric, RMMC COL 2017
HMS Valhalla Kit Warren, GSN CAPT 2017
Inactive Amy Wagstaff-Weston, CIV Clerk 2019 GNS Albion
Inactive Doug Henry, RMN LTSG 2017 HMS Drake

See Also
