Saganami Cross
The Saganami Cross (abbrev: SC) is the second highest award for gallantry, awarded to officers and Warrant Officers of the Royal Manticoran Navy and the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps. Known recipients in canon include Lady Dame Honor Harrington and Rafael Cardones.
TRMN Information
This award is the second highest award for gallantry issued in the Royal Manticoran Navy or Royal Manticoran Marine Corps. This award is only available to officers and warrant officers in the RMN and RMMC. The criteria for this award is exceptional service to the RMN or RMMC in general, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by b) performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for the Manticore Cross. The recipient is entitled to the post nominal letters of ‘SC’.
- RADM Stephanie Taylor-Morgan, SC, Baroness Havelok, (Bureau of Personnel)
- BGEN Sir Ivo Heger, SC, Baron Nový Prerov, (Judge Advocate General)
- HADM Sir James Jones, SC, Baron Whidbey Basin, (Office of the High Admiral)
- COL Bryar Nelson, SC, Baron Redstone, (Office of the Commandant RMMC)
- CAPTJG Sir Don Hackett, SC, (HMS Valkyrie SD-355)
- RADM Sir Jon Stout, SC, Baron Jutland, (Home Fleet) (Awarded Twice)
- RADM Sir Matthew Parker, SC, Earl of Camera Stellata, (Judge Advocate General)
- CAPTSG Brian Horton, SC, (HMS Invincible SD-455)
- VADM Sir Michael Garcia, SC, Baron McCovey Cove (Office of the First Space Lord) (Awarded Twice)
- CAPTSG Sir Mir Plemmons, SC, (Battlecruiser Division 961)
- CDR Benjamin Tift, SC, (HMS Atropos BC-363)
- LTJG Randy Wells, SC, (HMS Medusa SD-316)
- CAPTSG Sir Steven Firestine, SC, (HMS Duke of Cromarty QY-04)
- CAPTSG Sir Joe Hinson, SC, (HMS Wolf CA-429) (Awarded Twice)
- CDRE Sir Mark Gledhill, SC, Baron Clipper Island, (Victoria Station)
- CAPTSG Dame Danielle Erikson, SC, (HMS Glaive CA-50)
- GEN Sir Matthew Miller, SC, (King William’s Tower)
- MGEN Sir James “AJ” Olsen, SC, Baron Grays Harbor, (HMS Guadalcanal LPH-02), (Awarded twice)
- BGEN Geoffrey Vincent Kramer, SC, (HMS Guadalcanal LPH-02)
- VADM Dame Diane Bulkeley, SC, Duchess Mountain View, Second Countess New Essex, (Bureau of Communications), (Awarded Thrice)
- MAJ Sir Houston McPherson, SC, (MARDET Achilles)
- CDR Randy Todd, SC, (Bureau of Training), (Awarded twice)
- LCDR Dame Julie Chase, SC, (HMS Lodestone DD-64)
- CAPTSG Dame Dora Erikson, SC, (HMS Glaive CA-50) (Awarded Twice)
- RADM Sir Michael Timko, SC, (Bureau of Communications)
- FMSHL Sir Joseph Grieco, SC, Baron Coopers Lake, (Office of the Commandant RMMC)
- RADM Sir Doss Buckalew, SC, Baron New Greyhawke, (Bureau of Communications) (Awarded Thrice)
- CAPTJG Sir James Falconburg, SC, (HMS Truculent BC-593)
- COL Sir Robert Folden, SC, Baron Black Thunder, (MARDET Invictus) (Awarded Twice)
- RADM Sir Drakkus Heath, SC, (Talbott Fleet)
- CAPTJG Michael Naron, SC, (HMS Cyclops CLAC-11)
- RADM Sir Eddy Roberts, SC, (HMS Invictus SD-406) (Awarded Twice)
- RADM Sir Mike Romero, SC, (San Martino Fleet)
- RADM Sir Geoff Strayer, SC, Baron Oak Forrest, (Gryphon Fleet), (Awarded Twice)
- CAPTSG Tammy Schoonover, SC, (HMS Guadalcanal LPH-02)
- RADM Dame Christa Brolley, SC, Countess New Dover, (Bureau of Training)
- Sir James Friedline, SC, Duke of Neu Odenwaldkreis (Home Secretary)
- RADM Sir Ed Wandall, SC, Home Fleet, (Awarded Twice)
- LCDR Niki Rece, SC, (HMS Excalibur BC-749)
- CDR Mari Bobet Lyons, SC, (Awarded Twice)
- RADM Sir Sherman Day, SC, (Task Force 22)
- CAPTSG Sir Benjamin Wagner, SC, Baron Eboracum, (Bureau of Supply)
- VADM Sir Eric Schulman, SC, (HMS Hector BC-548)
- CAPT Sir Patrick McKinnion. SC, (HMS Andromeda BC-571)
- KDS Sir David Westover, SC, (Prinz Adalbert Marineakademie)
- CDR Sir Drew Drentlaw, SC, Baron Glencairn (Bureau of Communications)
- FMSHL Beau Thacker, SC, RMA, (Office of Awards)
- RADM Sir Christopher Thompson, SC, (Bureau of Ships)
- RADM Sir Joseph Harney, SC, Baron Dondonald, (Bureau of Supply) (Awarded Twice)
- Mr. Joseph Lyons, SC, (HMS Duke of Cromarty QY-04)
- RADM Sir Kim Niemeyer, SC, Earl Bahia Cadiz, (HMS Heracles BC-566)
- CDR Brian Harris, SC, (HMS Excalibur BC-749)
- VADM Sir Michael Paquette, SC, (HMS Hector BC-548)
- CAPTSG Dame Sonja Thiede, SC, Baroness Kings River, (HMS Guadalcanal LPH-02) (Awarded Twice)
- S2C Gadi Evron, SC, (HMSS Greenwich SS-001)
- LCDR David Thompson, SC, (Bureau of Training)
- CAPTSG Rick Matheny, SC, (HMS Invincible SD-455), (Awarded Twice)
- CAPTJG Patrick Hagemeier, SC, (Office of Retention)
- MGEN William Farley, SC, (Camp Maastricht), (Awarded Twice)
- CPT Sir Jan Tomicek, SC, (HMS Homer BC-315)
- CDR Dame Jana Otahol, SC, (Office of the FLA)
- RADM Brad Lee, SC, Baron West Columbia, (Office of Web Service)
- RADM Sir Daniel Brandow, SC, Baron New Byzantium, (HMS Implacable SD-467)
- CAPTSG Dame Jill McTavish, SC, Countess Miyake-jima, (HMS Valkyrie SD-355)
- CDRE Sir Justin Grays, SC, Baron New Victoria, (HMS Valkyrie SD-355)
- RADM Sir David Weiner, SC, Baron Serpent Head Point, (Medusa DOC)
- RADM Sir Ashley Nichols, SC, Baron Tchoupitoulas, (Sphinx Fleet)
- RADM Sir Zachary White, SC, (Bureau of Ships)
- CDRE Brett Price, SC, (Sphinx Fleet)
- CAPTSG Dame Pamela Cole, SC, Baroness New Florence, (Judge Advocate General)
- CDR Robert Clevenger, SC, (HMS Implacable SD-467)
- LCDR Michael Roybal, SC, (HMS Implacable SD-467)
- LTSG Sam Connan, SC, (HMS Implacable SD-467)
- CAPTJG Lannie Kenton, SC, (Bureau of Planning)
- MCWO Sir Andrew Sivula, SC, (Judge Advocate General) (Awarded Twice)
- CAPT Sir Ian Brannan, SC, (Republic of Haven Naval Office)
- VADM Dame Cindy Van Wyhe, SC, (Office of the FLA), (Awarded Twice)
- LCDR Sir Doug Needham, SC, (Medusa DOC)
- LTJG Sammi Swisher, SC, (HMS Wolf CA-429)
- ADM Dame Brandi Hinson, SC, Countess Nya Ostergotland, (HMS Werewolf CLAC-26)
- CAPTJG Darryl Hobbs, SC, (HMS Testudo CL-415)
- LTSG Amber Howdeshell, SC, (HMS Excalibur BC-749), (Awarded Twice)
- LCDR Tamara Massey, SC, (HMS Testudo CL-415)
- CAPTJG Dame Cindy Epard, SC, Baroness Cape Fear, (HMS Werewolf CLAC-28)
- COL Sir David Cleric, SC, (GNS Barbara Bancroft SD-32)
- CAPTJG Sir Michael Lesnick, SC, (Basilisk Fleet)
- LCDR Sir Richard Deshong, SC, (HMS Tornado DD-488)
- FADM Dame Laura Lochen, SC, Duchess Split Rock, Baroness La Mancha, (First Space Lord) (Twice Awarded)
- LTGEN Sir Michael Houghtaling, SC, Baron Sutherland, (HMS Guadalcanal LPH-02)
- CAPTSG Sir Zachariah Fraser, SC, (Battlecruiser Division 112)
- CDRE Sir Jerald Andry, SC, (Office of the First Space Lord)
- CAPTSG Sir Steven Rosenthal, SC, (HMS Barbarossa DD-551)
- LTSG Jeremy Baxter, SC, (HMLAC Vincit LAC-025)
- AotF Sir Martin Lessem, SC, Grand Duke Lynx, Duke of New Scania, (Admiralty House)
- KDS Sir Darran Hirose, SC, (Office of the Groβadmiral der Flotte)
- LTSG Sir Doug Henry, SC, (Bureau of Supply)
- RADM Sir David Misener, SC, (Bureau of Personnel)
- CDRE Christopher Roche, SC, (HMS Siren CLAC-13)
- MAJ Dame Rage Bloodgood, SC, (MARDET Invincible)
- CAPTJG Sir Sam Dietzmann, SC, (HMS Demon CLAC-62)
- LCDR Lisa Wiedemann, SC, (HMS Vixen DD-174), (Awarded Twice)
- CDRE Sir Justin Dupras, SC, (Task Force 22)
- CDR William Kohlleppel, SC, (HMS Black Rose BC-520)
- Nina Gordon, SC
- RADM Sir Wayne Bruns, SC, Earl Cappanarrow, (Task Force 21), (Awarded Twice)
- FK Sir Geoffrey Zoeller Jr, SC, (Office of Member Services)
- LCDR Jonathan Casas, SC, (HMS Chaos DD-57)
- CAPTJG Sir Patrick Lindsley, SC, (HMS Starcrest DD-73)
- LCDR Patrick Giese, SC, (Office of Naval Intelligence)
- LTJG Jay Griffin, SC, (HMS Devastation DD-44)
- CDR Linda Petersen, SC, (HMS Invincible SD-455)
- CDRE Sir Les Rickard, SC, (Bureau of Personnel)
- CDR Sir Frank Gonzales, SC, (HMS Devastation DD-44)
- CAPTJG Wes Rist, SC, (HMS Hector BC-548)
- LCDR John Chambers, SC, (HMS Havoc DD-01)
- MAJ William Plasse, SC, (MARDET Barbarossa)
- CAPTJG Dame Kerry Kuhn, SC, (HMS Hexapuma CA-412)
- CAPTJG Sir Tim Simpson, SC, (HMS Diomedes BC-588)
- RADM Sir Garret Bitker, SC, Baron Silver Lake, (Manticore Central Control ATC-01)
Awards of The Royal Manticoran Navy and Marine Corps | |
Honors: | Peerage - HMS Unconquered - HMS Valhalla |
Orders: | Star Kingdom - King Roger - Golden Lion - Queen Elizabeth - Merit |
Achievement: | PMV - QCB - MC - OC - SC - DGC - OG - NS - DSO - MT - CGM - GS OCN - QBM - SXC - RHDSM - MID - CBM - CSM - MSM - NCD - NMAM |
Unit Citations: | LHC - RUC - RMU - FEA |
Qualifications of The Royal Manticoran Navy | |
OSWP - ESWP - NRM - NPM - Hyper Command Star - OAW - EAW - FMF | |
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