Protector’s Order 2105-00

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Protector’s Order 2105-00 is the number assigned to an Announcement made on the TRMN Forums issued 05 May 2021 by the High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy. It outlines the Office of the High Admiral Spring 2021 Awards.

Order Text

Greetings and salutations to all members of the Grayson Space Navy, subjects of Protector Mayhew, and those allies who strive to rise to the Test.

The following awards are given and recognized for the Spring 2021 Honors List, effective immediately.

Gold Cross of Courage

John Dowdall, GNS Olympus Jimmy Dowdall, GNS Olympus Kevin Mortimer, HMS Pegasus Neil Simpson, GSN Olympus Alastair Bryan, HMS Pegasus Harriet Clough, GSN Mercy Charlotte O'Mera, GNS Albion Rowan Wagstaff Weston, GNS Albion Misha Sumra, GNS Paul of Tarsus Dallas Einhart, GNS Glory Jessical Barnhill, GNS Glory Jamie Segarra-Gonzalez, GNS Glory David Sanders, GNS Glory Lee Woddard, GNS Glory Justin Jablonski, GNS Glory James White, GNS Glory Jonathan Arnold, GNS Glory

Cross of Courage with Crossed Swords

Jessica Barnhill, GNS Glory Sarah Hamilton, HMS Peregrine

Swords Crossed with Crossed Swords

David Bell, HMS Pegasus Fiona Clark, HMS Pegasus

Grayson Military Achievement Medal

Andrea Austin, GNS Randolf Candless Kathy Rau, HMS Guadalcanal Casey Casas, HMS Chaos

Congratulations to everyone recognized, and to their prior and continued examples to members of the GSN, and to all members of the Grand Alliance!

Three Cheers!

In service to the Keys, the Protector, and the Tester,

Issued by:
James Jones
High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy
"May we all meet our Test when it is given!"

See Also

External Links

[Copy of Announcement - TRMN Forums]