Protector’s Order 1912-002

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Protector’s Order 1912-002 was issued 21 December 2019 by the High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy. It outlines the appointment of the annual Command Team of The Protector's Own.

Order Text

To: Vice Admiral Martyn Griffiths, GSN, Steadholder Pittman
From: High Admiral Angela Sanders, GSN
Re: Change of Command, Protector's Own Class of 2019 (Protector’s Order 1912-002)

Vice Admiral Martyn Griffiths,

For your exceptional demonstration of what it means to be Grayson and exceeding your Test, exemplified in the nominations from your peers within the Protector’s Own, you are hereby directed and required to proceed to the Protector’s Own, there to take upon yourself the duties and responsibilities of Commanding Officer, relieving CPT Aaron Davis, GSN, in service to the Sword, no later than 21 December 2019. Fail not in this charge at your peril.

To join you in the Command Triad of the Protector’s Own, likewise nominated by their peers on the Protector’s Own from all Classes, inclusive, for their exceptional demonstration of the Grayson Ideal, the following individuals shall join you in leading the Protector’s Own: CPT David Sanders, GSN, as Executive Officer SMCPON-GSN Kathy Rau, GSN, as Bosun

As the Command Triad, you shall, together, assist all new and unassigned inductees in selecting their billets, and plan and conduct any additional activities you wish to hold during the year.

The Office of the High Admiral wishes to thank Captain Aaron Davis, GSN, Commodore Joseph Harney, RMN, and MCPO David Melsome, GSN, Steadholder Maelstromm for their dedication to their positions and exemplifying the Spirit of Grayson in all they do.

This order is effective as of 0000 EST on 2019 December 21.

I wish to congratulate you on your appointment, for rising, meeting and exceeding your Test, and thereby being an example for others.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Grayson, the Keys, the Sword, and the Tester!

Issued by:
High Admiral Angela Sanders
High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy
“Always a way forward.”

See Also

External Links

[Protector's Order 1912-002 - TRMN Forums]