Protector's Order 2212-04

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Protector’s Order 2212-04 was issued 22 December 2022 by the High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy. It details the reassignment of supernumerary OHA personnel and the retirement of some billets.

Order Text

Servants of the Sword:

With a new administration comes changes to the path and direction that the Office of the High Admiral will be taking. As such, there has been a reevaluation of the current staff members under the auspices of the Office of the High Admiral. As of the date of this order, the following billets are retired and the personnel occupying them are reassigned:

Comptroller – CAPT David Sanders, GSN
Special Projects Officer – CAPT Joseph Barrow, GSN
Staff Intelligence Officer – CAPT(SG) Jermy Carsten, RMN
Deputy SMCPON – SMCPO David Melsome, GSN
Operations Officer – CAPT David Bell, GSN
NCOIC Operations
NCOIC Personnel

The following billets and staff members are retained by the Office of the High Admiral pending a redefinition of their duties and responsibilities:

Personnel Officer – CAPT Patrick St. Jean, GSN
Communications Officer – CAPT Misha Sumra, GSN
Assistant Communications Officer – CWO Eric Johnnson, GSN.

I wish to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Captain Sanders, Captain Barrow, Captain Senior Grade Carsten, Captain Bell, and Senior Master Chief Petty Officer Melsome for their long and dedicated service to the Grayson Space Navy, and I wish them all success in their future endeavors.

The above directive, Protectors Order 2212-04, is effective on this date, 22 December 2022.

See Also

External Links

[Protector's Order 2212-04 - TRMN Forums]