Protector's Order 2212-01

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Protector’s Order 2212-01 was issued 22 December 2022 by the High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy. It details the codification of a standardized numbering system for future Protector's Orders.

Order Text

Servants of the Sword:

Considering the wildly inconsistent nature of numbering, and in order to bring clarity to all future Protector’s Orders; the following standard for numbering is henceforth established.

First two numbers: the year (i.e. 23 for 2023)
Second two numbers: the month (i.e. 01 for January)
Dash (-) followed by two numbers: the order’s place in the number of orders issued that month

For example: The second Protector’s Order issued for the month of November 2023 would be indicated as 2311-02.

The above directive, Protectors Order 2212-01, is effective on this date, 22 December 2022.

See Also

External Links

[Protector's Order 2212-01 - TRMN Forums]