Protector's Order 0301-15

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Protector's Order 0301-15 was issued April 14, 2015 by the High Admiral of the GSN. It announces Nicholas Hurst's voluntary reduction in rank in order to assume command of a ship.

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticorian Navy, Command staff of the GNSS Katherine Mayhews, Grayson Space Navy and all Allied Navies
From: High Admiral Thomas Saidak, KE, High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy
Re: Resignation for acceptance of Ship Command (Protector’s Order 03-01-15)

As of the date of this order, by my hand, and by the authority of Benjamin Bernard Jason Mayhew IX, Protector of Grayson, I hereby accept the resignation of High Admiral Nicholas Hurst, Ret. Immediately. On this same day, I hereby Commission Nicholas Hurst as a GSN Commander. Upon death or retirement, Commander Nicholas Hurst will revert back to his former rank of High Admiral with all rights and commensurate duties.

For Grayson, the Keys, the Sword and the Tester!

Issued by:
Admiral Sir Thomas Saidak, KE
High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy
We Rise to the Test.

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