Admiralty Order 1312-03

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Admiralty Order 1312-03 was issued December 15, 2013 by the First Lord of the Admiralty. It requires all officers with authority to promote to inform BuPers of such promotions.

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps and Army
From: Martin Lessem, KSK, GCE, KCR, GS, First Lord of the Admiralty, Admiral of the Fleet, Duke, New Scania
Re: Promotion and Billet Notifcations (Admiralty Order 1312-03)

As of the date of this Order, all Chapter and Fleet CO’s and above with the ability to promote or assign personnel to new billets, must, as a requirement of their office, inform the Bureau of Personnel of any and all promotions to their crew or staff. In addition, as a requirement of their office, they must further inform the Bureau of Personnel of all Billet Assignments or changes thereof.

A post to a Facebook Group is not enough. These notifications *must* occur via an email to the Bureau of Personnel.

Issued by:
Martin Lessem, KSK, GCE, KCR, GS
Admiral of the Fleet RMN
First Lord of the Admiralty
First Duke, New Scania

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