Admiralty Order 1109-01

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This Admiralty Order was RESCINDED by Admiralty Order 2309-01
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Admiralty Order 1109-01 was issued September 01, 2011 by the First Lord of the Admiralty. It appoints the commandant, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps for The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc..

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps and Army
From: Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Martin A. Lessem, JD, KCR, GS First Lord of the Admiralty, Duke, New Scania
Re: Commandant, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps (Admiralty Order 1109-01)

As of the date of this Order, by my hand, and by the authority of the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore Elizabeth III, I hereby appoint Sir Sean Niemeyer, KCR, The Right Honorable the Earl of New Ulyanovsk, as Commandant, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps, with the rank of Marshall of the Corps, effective 01-SEP-11.

This Officer is now afforded the honors and privileges associated with their above Billet and Ranks.

In Honour of the Queen!

Issued by:
Admiral Lord Martin A. Lessem, KDE, KCR, GS
Admiral of the Fleet
Duke, New Scania
First Lord of the Admiralty