Admiralty Order 1104-01

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Admiralty Order 1104-01 was issued April 16, 2011 by the First Lord of the Admiralty. It awards peerages within The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc..

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps and Army
From: Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Sir Martin Lessem, KCR, GS, First Lord of the Admiralty, Duke, New Scania
Re: Peerage Award (Admiralty Order 1104-01)

As of the date of this Order, by my hand as Knight Commander of the Peerage College, and by the authority of the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore Elizabeth III, I hereby award the following Landed Peerages, effective on 16-Apr-11:

To Admiral of the Red John Roberts, Third Space Lord, the peerage title of Baron and the peerage land of New Mecklenburg.

To Captain Junior Grade Robert Bulkeley, Director of Publications in the Office of Fourth Space Lord, the peerage title of Baron and the peerage land of New Essex.

These Officers are now afforded the honors and privileges associated with there above title.

In Honour of the Queen!

Issued by:
Admiral Lord Sir Martin Lessem, KCR, GS
First Lord of the Admiralty
Admiral of the Fleet
Duke, New Scania