Westmarch Rifles

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The Westmarch Rifles is a Royal Manticoran Army regiment with members in the midwestern US.

The Rifles are a component unit of the 1st Brigade,[1] headquartered at Fort Gryphon and are an elite Light Infantry force trained to fight in rugged mountainous terrain and to deploy rapidly on short notice, emphasizing speed and mobility.

The Rifles rely on their ability to operate under restrictive conditions, surprise, violence of action, training, stealth, field craft, and fitness levels of the individual soldiers. Despite the usage of the term "light", forces in a light unit will normally carry heavier individual loads vis-à-vis other forces; they must carry everything they require to fight, survive and win.[2]

Unit Command Staff

  • Commanding Officer: COL Sir John Cauffman
  • Executive Officer: MAJ Michael Cyganiewicz
  • NCOIC: SGTMAJ Steven Mehr

Colonel of the Regiment

The Duke of Westmarch is the honorary colonel of the Westmarch Rifles, and the unit's personnel are recruited from throughout the duchy.


Westmarch Rifles shoulder insignia

The regimental shoulder insignia is based on the flag of the duchy. The flag, in turn, is based on the arms of the duke, using the same colors and interlaced bars forming a W and M and representing the two main mountain ranges of the region.

Populace flag of the Duchy of Westmarch


In 2014 the Westmarch Rifles was designated a Home Guard unit[3] but had no personnel and was deactivated in 2021.[4]

The active unit was officially commissioned 26 August 2022 with Adjutant General Order 2208-01.

The unit was upgraded to a Company level echelon on 11 November 2023 with Adjutant General Order 2311-01, and then to battalion strength on 24 February 2024 with Adjutant General Order 2402-01.

On 5 July 2024 the Stonearch Atmospheric Wing was activated with a cadre of personnel from the Westmarch Rifles.

Unit Awards

Royal unit citation for gallantry (ribbon).png
  • Royal Unit Citation for Gallantry: Awarded 14 January 2024 by the Marshal of the Army: "The Westmarch Rifles receive the citation for holding successful events, including a cannonball throwing event (Bowling) and an Army Battle Simulation (Nerf Battle). Their excellent reputation in the Chicago fandom community leads to an invitation to Windycon. Additionally, the unit's charitable efforts, such as giving Teddy Bears to the Milwaukee Children's Hospital, contribute to their gallantry citation."[5]
Army Regimental Excellence Award IFE Ribbon.png

Regimental Freedoms

  • The Westmarch Rifles were granted the Freedom of the City of Arcadia in the Duchy of Westmarch at CONvergence, 5 July 2024.[7]

Regimental Orders

Regimental Orders are subordinate to, and expand upon or amplify Admiralty Orders, Army Directives, and Adjutant General Orders.

Order No. Effective Date Subject Status
Westmarch Rifles Order 2302-01 31 Feb 2023 Subject

Related Orders and Directives

External links
