Home Office Directive 10-24

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Home Office Directive 10-24 was issued 9 July 2024 by the Office of the Home Secretary.

Directive Text

To: All Civilian and military personnel, Star Empire of Manticore and Allies
From: Rbt J Jackson, KSK GCE KCGL MM OCA PC

Director of Special Intelligence Service
Duke Karstadt Sea

Re: Directive HOD 10-24 Appointment of Deputy Director of Special Intelligence Service

By my hand, under the direction of the Home Secretary and by the authority of the Sovereign, Empress of Manticore, John Stump, AC, OG, Baron Piedmont is hereby appointed as Deputy Director of Special Intelligence Service.

My Lord, you are hereby ordered to report to the offices of the Home Secretary, City of Landing, Manticore, post haste, to assume your duties as Deputy Director of the Special Intelligence Service.

By my Hand this 11th day of July 2024

In Service to Empire and Crown

Issued by:
Director, Special Intelligence Service
Duke of Karstadt Sea

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