Army Directive 1121-09

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Army Directive 2111-09 was issued 19 November 2021 under the authority of the Marshal of the Army. It updated the structure for the Monarch's Own, and superseded the previous Army Directive 2006-01.

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Army
From: Colonel John Brice, Jr., QCB, GCE, KR, MG, GS, QBM, Deputy Marshal of the Army
Re: Nominations for Monarch's Own (Army Directive 2111-09)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Grand Alliance,

The Monarch’s Own Regiment

The Monarch’s Own Regiment is established as the Royal Manticoran Army's Special Forces assigned to protect the Royal Family. Soldiers assigned to the MO are handpicked from among the best RMA members who have gone above and beyond their normal duties. They should not only represent the four pillars of the Royal Manticoran Army (Marksmanship, Charity, Academics, and Event Participation), but also be superb representatives towards branches outside the Army.

The Monarch’s Own, Unit Makeup

Representation in the MO shall not exceed more than 10% of ALL members of the Royal Manticoran Army combined. The combined strength of the Royal Manticoran Army, for the purposes of this order, shall be the number of total members shown in MEDUSA as of September 15th of the current year.

**Monarch’s Own members have the option to wear the MO OR the Regular Army Blue Uniform (Enlisted and/or Officer) for the rest of their membership within TRMN.**

Nomination Process for the Monarch's Own

The nomination process for the Monarch’s Own is detailed in the most current “Monarch’s Own Nomination Process” Army Directive. You may find the current nomination Army directive here: Army Directive 2111-07

Command Triad, Monarch’s Own Regiment

Nomination to the Command Triad of the Monarch’s Own Regiment may be considered by the MO selection committee during the review process. In order to qualify for a command triad slot, the following must be accomplished:

Commanding Officer (CO), Monarch’s Own Regiment

The Honorary Commanding Officer of the Monarch’s Own Regiment will be at least at the grade of O-6 (Colonel) or above within the Royal Manticoran Army. The CO must have been awarded the Combat Infantry Badge during their service with the RMA. The CO will serve a 1-year term, January 1st to December 31st, of the next year they are selected. They may remain a command triad member of another chapter without any hat penalties during their service to the Monarch’s Own. The Commanding Officer is authorized to wear a red/gold shoulder cord with gold tip on the left shoulder.

Executive Officer (XO), Monarch’s Own Regiment

The Honorary Executive Officer of the Monarch’s Own Regiment will be at least at the grade of O-3 (Captain) or above within the Royal Manticoran Army. The XO must have been awarded the Combat Infantry Badge during their service with the RMA. The XO will serve a 1-year term, January 1st to December 31st, of the next year they are selected. They may remain a command triad member of another chapter without any hat penalties during their service to the Monarch’s Own. The Executive Officer is authorized to wear a red shoulder cord silver tip on the left shoulder.

Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC), Monarch’s Own Regiment

The Honorary Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of the Monarch’s Own Regiment will be at least at the grade of E-6 (Staff Sergeant) or above within the Royal Manticoran Army. The NCOIC must have been awarded the Combat Infantry Badge during their service with the RMA. The NCOIC will serve a 1-year term, January 1st to December 31st, of the next year they are selected. They may remain a command triad member of another chapter without any hat penalties during their service to the Monarch’s Own. The Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge is authorized to wear a red shoulder cord no tip on the left shoulder.

**If you should have any questions or require guidance on nominations, please contact or, or consult the relevant nominations directive, as always our staff will be happy to provide that information to you as well.**

In Service to Her Majesty, the Sovereign Queen of the Star Kingdom of Manticore, Elizabeth III.

Issued by:
John Brice, Jr., QCB, GCE, KR, MM, MG, GS
Deputy Marshal of the Royal Manticoran Army
King William's Tower

By direction of:
Matthew Miller, KDE, MM, SC, MG, OG, CGM
Marshal of the Royal Manticoran Army
King William's Tower

See Also

Monarch's Own

External Links
