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TRMN Orders & Directives
Joint Chiefs Directives (TRMN) Admiralty Orders (TRMN) Protector's Orders (GSN) Naval Directives (RMN) Corps Directives (RMMC) Army Directives (RMA) Home Office Directives (Civilian)

Admiralty Order 2203-02 was issued March 11, 2022 by the First Lord of the Admiralty. It updates the policy and procedures for artwork in The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc..

Order Text

To: All Personnel in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps, Army, and all forces Allied with Her Majesty, Elizabeth I of the Star Empire of Manticore.
From: Martin Lessem, KSK, GCR, GCE, SC, DSO, CGM, GS, OCN, QBM, Admiral of the Fleet, Grand Duke, Lynx, Duke, New Scania
Re: Artwork Approval - UPDATED (Admiralty Order 2203-02)

Admiralty Order 1406-01 is hereby rescinded and replaced with the following Order.

For the purposes of our corporate compliance with signed license agreements and to improve and continue our standards of consistent quality with all Artwork, this Order shall serve as the updated approval process for all Artwork published by The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. (TRMN)

Published will be defined as the following:

  • Any artwork posted on a TRMN-related Website such as logos, ship crests, coats of arms, insignia, awards, etc.
  • Any artwork utilized in a TRMN related publication, printed or electronic.
  • Any artwork utilized in TRMN marketing, printed or electronic.
  • Any artwork for items business-related to TRMN.

All artwork meeting the above criteria will use the following process:

  1. After creating the artwork, it must be submitted using the Artwork Approval Form (Form AO2203-01). An email address accepting the form will be listed upon said form. A specific group (office, division, or department), reporting directly or indirectly to the First Space Lord of the Royal Manticoran Navy, will be charged with processing all approvals on behalf of the organization.
  2. All forms will be responded to within seventy-two hours to review all artwork submissions.
  3. All form responses will lead with one of the following dispositions:
    1. Approved
    2. Approved w/ Changes
    3. Rejected
    4. Request Further Information
  4. If Approved, you may begin using the artwork immediately.
  5. If Approved w/ Changes, you must implement all necessary changes identified in response and then begin using the new artwork immediately. These changes would be minor in nature and can be easily fixed.
  6. If Rejected, a detailed reason shall be provided for the rejection. This must be a serious reason requiring more than a minor fix to the artwork in question. You may then make appropriate changes and resubmit.
  7. If Request Further Information, the submitter must do their best to answer the request. A resubmission with the additional information is required.

This order is issued with an effective retroactive date of 22 February 2022.

In Honour of the Queen!

Issued by:
Martin Lessem, KSK, GCR, GCE, SC, DSO, CGM
Admiral of the Fleet, RMN
First Lord of the Admiralty
Grand Duke, Lynx, Duke, New Scania


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