Protector's Order 2307-03

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Protector’s Order 2307-03 was issued 31 July 2023 by the Chief of Staff of the Grayson Space Navy. It details the creation of the Sector Communication's Officer billet.

Order Text

Servants of the Sword:

In a continual effort to better serve the members of this component branch, the legacy positions of Communications Officer and Deputy Communications Officer for the Office of the High Admiral have been eliminated. Moving forward, their function will be handled by what will be called Sector Communications Officers.
These Sector Communications Officers are empowered to build a subordinate staff, with the approval of the Chief of Staff, as they see fit to discharge their duties and responsibilities. The component is currently divided into two sectors.

Sector Communications Officer, North America: SMCPO Chernakova, GSN
Sector Communications Officer, Europe: Captain Misha Sumra, GSN

As the Grayson Space Navy component continues to grow this position will be monitored and modified as the needs of the service demand.

The above directive, Protector’s Order 2307-03, is effective on this date, 31 July 2023.

See Also

External Links

[Protector's Order 2307-03 - TRMN Forums]