Protector's Order 2307-01

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Protector’s Order 2307-01 was issued 30 July 2023 by the Chief of Staff of the Grayson Space Navy. It details the appointment of a new Operations Officer to the Office of the High Admiral Staff.

Order Text

Senior Master Chief Petty Officer Underhill:

You are hereby directed and required to proceed to the Office of the High Admiral, Command Central, there to take upon yourself the duties and responsibilities of Operations Officer in service to the Sword. Fail not in this charge at your peril.

Additionally, having special trust and confidence in your patriotism, valor, fidelity, and abilities, and by order of Protector Benjamin Mayhew IX, and the will of the Conclave, you are hereby appointed a LIEUTENANT JUNIOR GRADE in the Grayson Space Navy. Commissioning documents to follow.

The above directive, Protector’s Order 2307-01, is effective on this date, 30 July 2023.

See Also

External Links

[Protector's Order 2307-01 - TRMN Forums]