PD-SC-1004 Rank and Promotion Policy
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Notice to Editors: Only the Secretary of the Steering Committee, or their designate, is authorized to make modifications to Steering Committee Policy Documents. Any edit requests should be directed to the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff and will be handled via the Amendment Process. |
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PD-SC-1004 Rank and Promotion Policy was issued 11 November 2023 by the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff.
This policy document establishes the Rank and Promotion Policy for The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. (TRMN).
8 | 0 | 0 |
Amendments may, from time to time, be proposed to, or by, the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff. Any amendments will be considered and voted on as necessary. All amendments that have been passed will be noted below.
Effective Date | Subject | Proposed By | Vote |
16 Nov 2023 | Table 2 was amended to reflect the adaptation of "Admiral of the Fleet" to represent the F-6 rank for the Grayson Space Navy and the Republic of Haven Navy. | Internal | 8A, 0N, 0Abst, 0Abs |
20 Dec 2023 | Table 1 was amended to modify the Line and Staff Points required for O-6, Table 2 was amended to include all of the RMMM rank tracks, Table 3 was amended to change the O-6 Warrant equivalent to W-3 and the Enlisted equivalent to E-8, the addition of points 15 and 16 and the addition of Tables 4 and 5. | 5SL | 7A, 0N, 1Abst, 0Abs |
19 May 2024 | Table 2 was amended to reflect the changes to the RMMM ranks as follows: RMMM(basic) has no rank above C-8, RMMM(deck) and RMMM(engineering) rank titles for C-11 through C-15 were edited. | 5SL | 6A, 0N, 0Abst, 2Abs |
1. Rank requirements will follow the Promotion Tables as published by BuPers with advice and consent of the Steering Committee (initial values, see Table 1).
2. Promotions up to E4/C4 will be automatically granted by chapter COs once all criteria have been met.
3. Rank names will be for each service as listed in Table 2
4. Some services have A/B levels for different ranks. All ranks from services without this division are equivalent to the higher of the two levels for determining seniority. Promotion between these sub levels shall be clearly spelled out by further service specific documentation, in consultation with BuPers.
5. Providing all minimal criteria are met, promotions will be reviewed and approved as follows:
- a. E1 - E6: at the discretion of the chapter commander.
- b. E7: at the discretion of the Service Head or their designate.
- c. E8 - E10: enlisted promotion board
- d. W1: at the discretion of the Service Head or their designate.
- e. W2 - W5: officer promotion board
- f. O1: at the discretion of the chapter commander
- g. O2: at the discretion of the fleet commander or equivalent
- h. O3 - O6: officer promotion board
- i. F1 - F5: flag promotion board
6. All promotion boards (except flag) will be made up of:
- a. Minimum of 5 members.
- b. Minimal service makeup includes 2 different naval service members, 1 ground service member and 1 civilian member.
- c. One officer from BuPers, any service, will act as chair.
- d. Member ranks will match the type being reviewed (enlisted, warrant, officer) with the exception of the chair.
7. All promotion board decisions may be appealed to the 5th Space Lord with their decision being final.
8. Promotion Criteria:
- a. Meet necessary Time in Grade and Promotion Points
- b. Commanding Officer’s Recommendation
- c. Other recommendations
- d. Do they have the service equivalent of the Space Warfare Pin?
- e. Participation Level within the Organization
- f. Course Work
- i. Minimum courses completed for promotion
- ii. Quality of completed courses
- g. Billet
- h. Path
9. It may occur, from time to time, that a member wishes to voluntarily take a reduction in rank in order to assume a position in the organization that they would not normally be able to assume/perform due to their high rank.
- a. A member may voluntarily take a reduction in rank at any time they desire. This reduction may be for any reason the member so desires.
- b. In order to take a reduction in rank, the member need only send notification of such desire, and the rank they wish to hold to both BuPers and the head of their branch of service (First Space Lord, High Admiral, RMMC Commandant, etc.).
- c. The member will then be reduced to that and shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the new rank, while foregoing those of their old rank. Any awards, peerages, time in service, promotion points, etc. shall be unaffected by the reduction in rank, but time in grade will be reset to zero.
- d. At any time the member wishes, they may petition to be reinstated to their original higher rank at the discretion of the head of service and the Fifth Space Lord. This rank should not be withheld barring some extenuating circumstances (misconduct, etc.) which can be properly stated as reasons for denying such reinstatement.
10. Brevets:
- a. Bevets may be given by Bureau and Service Heads to those who will be taking on an administrative position under their command or for the purpose of chapter creation.
- b. Before any brevet promotion can occur, the issuing authority must first contact the chapter commander of the one being brevetted. The commander has one week to reply with any reservation or concerns that shall be addressed before the member can be brevetted.
- c. Once a brevet has occurred, a second brevet cannot occur for the same person with the same position.
- d. A brevet rank will become permanent after one year of service in the role that granted them the brevet. Any deviation from this will be determined on a case-by-case basis through a discussion with the 5SL.
- e. If a second brevet is gained before a previous one is made permanent, the first brevet becomes the new permanent rank and the 1 year requirement starts on the second.
- f. The 5th Space Lord shall be the final arbiter of all brevets.
11. Brevet Range for Administrative Positions:
- a. Service Heads: F6
- b. 2nd through 7th Space Lords: F3 - F4
- c. Deputy SL: F1 - F2
- d. Deputy Service Head: F2 - F3
- e. COS of a SL or Service Head: O6
- f. All other positions should not be breveted above the COS.
- g. The minimum rank shall be chosen unless there are extenuating circumstances.
- h. A clear schedule should be published by each unit detailing their standard brevet policy for those positions not listed.
- i. A member may elect to remain a warrant officer or enlist for any administrative position of COS or below. See Table 3 for brevet equivalence.
12. BuPers shall be responsible for making regular random audits of all brevets and promotions. All findings will be reported to the Steering Committee for review/creation of policies.
13. BuPers must be directly notified prior to the announcement of all promotions for them to be valid and entered into Medusa. BuPers has the right to refuse any promotion request and shall promptly notify the promoting authority of any valid reasons for the refusal and what steps should be taken to correct the issue.
14. Members may choose from three different paths of involvement.
- a. The paths available are:
- i. Service path: These members have no desire or plan to serve at any level above the chapter. Members who choose the Service path may not serve as members of Chapter Command triads or above, nor may they serve on any staff position outside of/above the chapter level (Division, Squadron, Task Group, Task Force, Fleet, Admiralty House). This path is the default path until a member chooses to change it.
- ii. Staff path: These members have no desire or plan to serve in a leadership role within the organization, but want to serve the members and help the leadership of the organization. Members who choose the Staff path may not serve as members of Chapter Command triads or above, but they may serve on any staff position within the organization, as long as they are not part of the leadership (Division, Squadron, Task Group, Task Force, Fleet, Admiralty House).
- iii. Line path: These members are unrestricted in the positions they may hold at all levels of the organization unless they are forbidden from those positions for reasons other than training.
- b. A member may change paths at any time, however, they must have completed all required courses for their current rank, as indicated, for the new path they want to take BEFORE they can change paths or hold positions on the new path.
- c. All courses required are indicated by the last four (4) numbers in the BuTrain course number (for example, SIA-RMN-XXXX/Core-xx),. The course may be the equivalent from any academy.
15. All members shall receive promotion points for all activities in Table 4.
16. All members shall receive one promotion point for all awards earned with the following exceptions:
- a. Knightly Orders will only award one point total, regardless of the level obtained.
- b. Table 5 shows those awards that award more than one point when earned.
17. This document will supersede/replace the following orders and directives: AO1312-03, AO1507-04, AO1701-01, AO1701-04, AO1701-05, AO1707-05, AO1707-07, AO1803-05, AO1807-03, AO2103-03, AO2112-01, AO2203-01, AO2212-01, AO2307-01, AO2307-02, AO2307-03, CD02-1701, ND15SE-02, ND16NO-01, and ND17JA-01.
Table 1
Grade | Minimum Time in Previous Grade | Minimum Points Required | Rank Course(s) Required | Notes |
Enlisted | ||||
E-2 C-02 |
2 Months | 3 Points | Line: 0001 Staff: N/A Service: N/A |
E-3 C-03 |
4 Months | 6 Points | Line: 0001 Staff: N/A Service: N/A |
E-4 C-04 |
5 Months | 9 Points | Line: 0002 Staff: 0001 Service: 0001 |
E-5 C-05 |
6 Months | Line: 18 Points Staff: 14 Points Service: 12 Points |
Line: 0002 Staff: 0002 Service: 0001 |
E-6 C-06 |
7 Months | Line: 36 Points Staff: 26 Points Service: 18 Points |
Line: 0003 Staff: 0003 Service: 0002 |
E-7 C-07 |
9 Months | Line: 45 Points Staff: 35 Points Service: 21 Points |
Line: 0003 Staff: 0003 Service: 0002 |
Maximum Grade for Service Path |
E-8 C-08 |
12 Months | Line: 54 Points Staff: 42 Points |
Line: 0004 Staff: 0004 |
E-9 C-09 |
15 Months | Line: 63 Points Staff: 52 Points |
Line: 0005 Staff: 0004 |
Maximum Grade for Staff Path |
E-10 C-10 |
18 Months | Line: 72 Points | Line: 0006 | |
Warrant Officers | ||||
W-1 | 4 Months (E-4+) |
Line: 18 Points Staff: 18 Points Service: 12 Points |
Line: 0011 Staff: 0011 Service: N/A |
W-2 | 6 Months | Line: 36 Points Staff: 26 Points Service: 24 Points |
Line: 0011 Staff: 0011 Service: 0011 |
Maximum Grade for Service Path |
W-3 | 9 Months | Line: 45 Points Staff: 35 Points |
Line: 0012 Staff: 0012 |
Maximum Grade for Staff Path |
W-4 | 12 Months | Line: 60 Points | Line: 0012 | |
W-5 | 15 Months | Line: 72 Points | Line: 0013 | |
Officers | ||||
O-1 C-11 |
Line: 18 Points Staff: 18 Points Service: 18 Points Merit Based |
Line: 0101 Staff: 0101 Service: 0101 |
O-2 C-12 |
6 Months | Line: 24 Points Staff: 24 Points Service: 24 Points |
Line: 0102 Staff: 0101 Service: 0101 |
O-3 C-13 |
9 Months | Line: 32 Points Staff: 30 Points Service: 27 Points |
Line: 0103 Staff: 0102 Service: 0101 |
O-4 C-14 |
12 Months | Line: 40 Points Staff: 36 Points Service: 32 Points |
Line: 0104 & 0113 Staff: 0102 Service: 0102 |
Maximum Grade for Service Path |
O-5 C-15 |
15 Months | Line: 48 Points Staff: 44 Points |
Line: 0105 Staff: 0103 |
O-6 C-16 |
18 Months | Line: 63 Points Staff: 63 Points |
Line: 0106 & 0115 Staff: 0104 & 0113 |
Flag Officers | ||||
F-1 C-17 |
Line: 73 Points Staff: 73 Points |
Line: 1001 Staff: 0106 |
F-2 C-18 |
Line: 93 Points Staff: 93 Points |
Line: 1002 Staff: 1001 |
Maximum Grade for Staff Path | |
F-3 C-19 |
Line: 113 Points | Line: 1003 | ||
F-4 C-20 |
Line: 133 Points | Line: 1004 | ||
F-5 C-21 |
Line: 153 Points | Line: 1005 | ||
F-6 C-22 |
Line: 1005 | By Appointment Only |
Table 2 - Youth Members
Paygrade | SFC |
P-1 | Provisional Ranger I |
P-2 | Provisional Ranger II |
P-3 | Provisional Ranger III |
P-4 | Senior Provisional Ranger |
Table 3 - Adult Members
Paygrade | RMN | GSN | RHN | IAN | RMMC/RMA | Diplo. Corps. | Special Intel. Serv. | RMACS | RMMM (Basic) | RMMM (Deck) | RMMM (Engineering) | RMMM (Catering) | RMMM (Medical) | SFC | |
Enlisted and Equivalent | |||||||||||||||
E-1 C-01 |
Spacer 3rd Class | Spacer 3rd Class | Spacer 3rd Class | Gefreiter | Private | Consulate Staff | Analyst | Recruit | Apprentice Spacer | Assistant Ranger | |||||
E-2 C-02 |
Spacer 2nd Class | Spacer 2nd Class | Spacer 2rd Class | Obergefreiter | Private First Class | Senior Consulate Staff | Senior Analyst | Trainee | General Vessel Assistant | Ranger | |||||
E-3 C-03 |
Spacer 1st Class | Spacer 1st Class | Spacer 1st Class | Hauptgefreiter | Lance Corporal | Junior Attaché | Junior Agent | Candidate | Spacer I | Ordinary Spacer | Wiper | Steward Assistant | Medical Aide | Ranger II | |
E-4 C-04 |
Petty Officer 3rd Class | Petty Officer 3rd Class | Petty Officer 3rd Class | Maat | Corporal | Attaché | Agent 3rd Class | Petty Officer 3rd Class | Spacer II | Senior Ordinary Spacer | Technician | Second Cook | Medical Assistant | Ranger III | |
E-5 C-05 |
Petty Officer 2nd Class | Petty Officer 2nd Class | Petty Officer 2nd Class | Obermaat | Platoon Sergeant | Consular Attaché | Agent 2nd Class | Petty Officer 2nd Class | Spacer III | Efficient Spacer | Technician II | Steward | Medical Technician | Senior Ranger | |
E-6 C-06 |
Petty Officer 1st Class | Petty Officer 1st Class | Petty Officer 1st Class | Bootsmann | Staff Sergeant | Senior Consular Attaché | Agent 1st Class | Petty Officer 1st Class | Spacer IV | Able Spacer | Technician III | Baker | Paramedic | Senior Ranger II | |
E-7 C-07 |
Chief Petty Officer | Chief Petty Officer | Chief Petty Officer | Oberbootsmann | Master Sergeant | Third Secretary | Senior Agent | Chief Petty Officer | Spacer V | Leading Spacer | Technician IV | Chief Cook | Sick Berth Attendant | Senior Ranger III | |
E-8 C-08 |
Senior Chief Petty Officer | Senior Chief Petty Officer | Senior Chief Petty Officer | Hauptbootsmann | First Sergeant | Second Secretary | Supervising Agent | Senior Chief Petty Officer | Spacer VI | Certified Bosun | Technician V | Chief Steward | Senior Sick Berth Attendant | Deputy Chief Ranger | |
E-9 C-09 |
Master Chief Petty Officer | Master Chief Petty Officer | Master Chief Petty Officer | Stabsbootsmann | Sergeant Major | First Secretary | Section Chief | Master Chief Petty Officer | N/A | Patrolman | Chief Ranger | ||||
E-10 C-10 |
Senior Master Chief Petty Officer | Senior Master Chief Petty Officer | Senior Master Chief Petty Officer | Oberstabsbootsmann | Regimental Sergeant Major | Senior Administrator | Station Supervisor | Senior Master Chief Petty Officer | N/A | President | Senior Chief Ranger |
Paygrade | RMN | GSN | RMMC/RMA | |||||||
Warrant Officers | ||||||||||
W-1 | Warrant Officer 2nd Class | Warrant Officer | Warrant Officer 2nd Class | |||||||
W-2 | Warrant Officer 1st Class | Chief Warrant Officer | Warrant Officer 1st Class | |||||||
W-3 | Chief Warrant Officer | Senior Chief Warrant Officer | Chief Warrant Officer | |||||||
W-4 | Senior Chief Warrant Officer | Master Chief Warrant Officer | Senior Chief Warrant Officer | |||||||
W-5 | Master Chief Warrant Officer | Senior Master Chief Warrant Officer | Master Chief Warrant Officer |
Paygrade | RMN | GSN | RHN | IAN | RMMC/RMA | Diplo. Corps. | Special Intel. Serv. | RMACS | RMMM (Deck) | RMMM (Engineering) | RMMM (Catering) | RMMM (Medical) | SFC | |
Officers and Equivalent | ||||||||||||||
O-1 C-11 |
Ensign | Ensign | Ensign | Leutnant der Sterne | 2nd Lieutenant | Foreign Service Officer | Special Agent 3rd Class | Ensign | Fourth Officer | Fourth Engineer | Junior Assistant Purser | Nursing Assistant | Ranger 2nd Lieutenant | |
O-2 C-12 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade | Lieutenant Junior Grade | Lieutenant Junior Grade | Oberleutnant der Sterne | 1st Lieutenant | Vice Consul | Special Agent 2nd Class | Lieutenant Junior Grade | Third Officer | Third Engineer | Junior Purser | Nurse | Ranger 1st Lieutenant | |
O-3 C-13 |
Lieutenant Senior Grade | Lieutenant Senior Grade | Lieutenant Senior Grade | Kapitänleutnant | Captain | Counselor | Special Agent 1st Class | Lieutenant Senior Grade | Second Officer | Second Engineer | Purser | Senior Nurse | Ranger Captain | |
O-4 C-14 |
Lieutenant Commander | Lieutenant Commander | Lieutenant Commander | Korvettenkapitän | Major | Minister-Counselor | Senior Special Agent | Lieutenant Commander | Senior Second Officer | Senior Second Engineer | Entertainment Director | Practical Nurse | Ranger Major | |
O-5 C-15 |
Commander | Commander | Commander | Fregattenkapitän | Lieutenant Colonel | Minister | Principal Agent | Commander | First Officer | First Engineer | Cruise Director | Assistant Merchant Surgeon | Ranger Lieutenant Colonel | |
O-6A | Captain | |||||||||||||
O-6B C-16 |
Captain of the List | Captain | Captain | Kapitän der Sterne | Colonel | Ambassador | System Agent | Captain | Master | Chief Engineer | Hotel Manager | Merchant Surgeon | Ranger Colonel |
Paygrade | RMN | GSN | RHN | IAN | RMMC/RMA | Diplo. Corps. | Special Intel. Serv. | RMACS | RMMM (Deck) | RMMM (Engineering) | RMMM (Catering) | RMMM (Medical) | SFC | ||
Flag Officers and Equivalent | |||||||||||||||
F-1 C-17 |
Commodore | Commodore | Commodore | Flotillenadmiral | Brigadier General | Legate | Regional Agent | Commodore | Fleet Manager | Fleet Port Manager | Fleet Passenger Director | Fleet Medical Director | Ranger Brigadier General | ||
F-2 C-18 |
Rear Admiral | Rear Admiral | Rear Admiral | Konteradmiral | Major General | Special Envoy | Sector Agent | Rear Admiral | Superintendent | Ranger Major General | |||||
F-3 C-19 |
Vice Admiral | Vice Admiral | Vice Admiral | Vizeadmiral | Lieutenant General | Permanent Representative | Quadrant Agent | Vice Admiral | Managing Director | Ranger Lieutenant General | |||||
F-4 C-20 |
Admiral | Admiral | Admiral | Admiral | General | Minister Resident | Department Director | Admiral | Owner | Ranger General | |||||
F-5 C-21 |
Fleet Admiral | Fleet Admiral | Fleet Admiral | Großadmiral | Field Marshal | Ambassador at Large | Bureau Head | Fleet Admiral | Board Director | Ranger Marshal | |||||
F-6 C-22 |
Admiral of the Fleet | Admiral of the Fleet | Admiral of the Fleet | Großadmiral Der Flotte | Marshal of the Corps Marshal of the Army |
Home Secretary |
Table 3
Promotion Equivalence Chart | ||
Officer Rank | Warrant Equivalent | Enlisted Equivalent |
O-1 | W-1 | E-6 |
O-2 | W-1 | E-6 |
O-3 | W-2 | E-7 |
O-4 | W-2 | E-7 |
O-5 | W-3 | E-8 |
O-6 | W-3 | E-8 |
F-1 | W-4 | E-9 |
Table 4
Promotion Points via Activities | ||
Event/Award | Points Earned | Notes |
Time in Service (3 months) | 1 | |
Chapter Triad Service (3 months) | 1 | |
Fleet Staff Service (3 months) | 1 | Includes Fleet CO & Staff |
Admiralty House Service (3 months) | 1 | Includes GAJCS, SL & Staff |
Chapter Meeting (Attending) | 1 | Per meeting attended |
Chapter Event other than Meeting | 1 | Per day |
Charity Event (per 24hr day) | 2 | Per day |
Hosting a Chapter Meeting/Event | 2 | Per meeting/event |
Hosting a Charity Event | 4 | Per event |
Hosting a Virtual Charity Event | 3 | Per event |
Non-Fleet/Admiralty House Convention | 1 | Per day |
Fleet/Admiralty House Convention | 2 | Per day |
Volunteer at Non-Fleet/Admiralty House Convention | 1 | Per day; in addition to attendance points |
Volunteer at Fleet/Admiralty House Convention | 2 | Per day; in addition to attendance points |
Service as Member of Parliament | 2 | Per year |
Service as Speaker of the House | 1 | per year |
Service as Lord Speaker | 1 | Per year |
Investiture as Baron/Baroness (or Equivalent) | 1 | Once per lifetime - Only awarded to the Peer, not courtesy titles |
Investiture as Earl/Countess (or Equivalent) | 1 | Once per lifetime - Only awarded to the Peer, not courtesy titles |
Investiture as Duke/Duchess (or Equivalent) | 2 | Once per lifetime - Only awarded to the Peer, not courtesy titles |
Investiture as Grand Duke/Grand Duchess (or Equivalent) | 3 | Once per lifetime - Only awarded to the Peer, not courtesy titles |
First Rank Course Completed | 2 | Per exam, including those from other component branch schools |
Rank Course Completed (excluding those listed below) | 1 | Per exam, including those from other component branch schools |
Final Rank Course Completed per Section (E, WO & O) | 2 | Per exam, including those from other component branch schools |
Leadership/Management Course Completed | 2 | Per exam, including those from other component branch schools |
Flag Rank Course Completed (excluding 1005) | 3 | Per exam, including those from other component branch schools |
First Rank Course 1005 Completed | 4 | Per exam, including those from other component branch schools |
"Crusher" 2001S Completed | 5 | |
Speciality Course A & C Level Completed | 1 | Per exam, including those from other component branch schools |
Speciality Course W & D Level Completed | 2 | Per exam, including those from other component branch schools |
Table 5
Promotion Points via Awards | |
Award Earned (or Equivalent) | Points Earned |
Distinguished Gallantry Cross (DGC) | 2 |
Good Conduct Medal | 2 |
List of Honor Citation | 2 |
Manticoran Reserve Service Medal | 2 |
Manticoran Service Medal | 2 |
Manticore Cross (MC) | 2 |
Masadan Occupation Medal | 2 |
Osterman Cross (OC) | 2 |
Saganami Cross (SC) | 2 |
Survivors Cross | 2 |
Knight of the Most Distinguished Order of Merit (OM) | 3 |
Adrienne's Cross (AC) | 4 |
Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Star Kingdom (KSK) | 4 |
Queen's Cross for Bravery (QCB) | 4 |
Parliamentary Medal of Valor | 5 |