Army Directive 05-1301

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Army Directive 05-1301 was issued 06 May 2013 under the authority of the Marshal of the Army. It appoints the aide-de-camp do the Marshal of the Army, and a trainer in the training command.

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Army
From: Robert J. Jackson, KE; Marshal of the Army RMA
Re: Appointment of Staff Positions (Army Directive 05-1301)

As of the date of this Order, by my hand, and by the authority of the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore Elizabeth III, I hereby appoint the following Soldiers of the Kingdom:

John Stump, to the position of Aide-De-Camp to the Office of the Marshal, with the rank of Corporal (E-4).

Peter Jarrette Gordon, to the position of Trainer to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff - Training (ODCSTRA), with the rank of Corporal (E-4)

Corporals Stump and Gordon, you are hereby ordered to report to King William's Tower, Landing (Manticore) post haste where you will assume your duties.

Effective 06 May 2013

In Honor of the Queen!

YMH&OS I remain,

Issued by:
Lord Sir Rbt. J Jackson, KE
Marshal of the Army, RMA
Baron, Karstadt Sea
King William’s Tower, Landing

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