Adjutant General Order 2407-01

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Adjutant General Order 2407-01 was issued 1 July 2024 by the Adjutant General. It set guidelines for Royal Manticoran Army chapter naming.

Order Text

To: Members of the Grand Alliance
From: LTGEN John Neitz, Adjutant-General, Royal Manticoran Army
Re: (Adjutant-General Order 2407-01) Army chapter nomenclature

In accordance with the authority delegated by the Marshal of the Army in Army Directive 2407-01, and to emulate canon examples, the following Royal Manticoran Army chapter naming guidelines are hereby promulgated.


“..a regiment, which is the highest permanent organizational unit…”
House of Steel, p 409

RMA soldiers belong to either a regiment or a corps. This affiliation is the source of their identity and esprit de corps within the army. Each regiment has its own history, traditions, and insignia.

A corps is a functional support branch of the army. Examples: the Signal Corps, Intelligence Corps, and Logistics Corps.

In TRMN, an army chapter is a regiment, or portrays part of a notional regiment if the chapter is less than regimental strength.


Each chapter will devise a unique regimental name, subject to the approval of the Adjutant-General, who will look for canon style and that the name does not duplicate that of an existing RMA or RMMC unit.

The majority of regimental names in the RMA are territorial, in the form of “The Place-Name Regiment.”

Example regiment name: The Shadow Vale Regiment[1]

If a chapter selects this name, then:

  • A platoon strength chapter would portray, e.g. “First Platoon, Alpha Company, First Battalion, The Shadow Vale Regiment”
  • A company strength chapter would portray e.g. “Alpha Company, First Battalion, The Shadow Vale Regiment”
  • A battalion strength chapter would portray e.g. “First Battalion, Shadow Vale Regiment”
  • A regimental strength chapter portrays “The Shadow Vale Regiment.”

In all above examples, the name of the chapter in MEDUSA will be “Shadow Vale Regiment,” but the chapter designation will be “Army Platoon,” “Army Company,” “Army Battalion,” or “Army Regiment” as appropriate. Chapters may upgrade to a larger type without need to change the chapter name. In everyday TRMN interaction, they will commonly be referred to by their regiment name, even if the chapter is portraying a sub-echelon of that regiment.

NOTE: If they wish, chapters may portray a sub-echelon of their chosen regiment other than the default 1st Battalion, A Company, No. 1 Platoon. Sub-echelon portrayal is roleplay and does not appear in MEDUSA.


  • CANON: Examples of acceptable territorial names include canon place names from the three home planets of the Star Kingdom, such as the duchies, counties, and baronies of peers mentioned in canon. Other canon place names such as cities may also be used.
  • TRMN PEERAGE LANDS: The peerage lands of TRMN member peers are acceptable, subject to the agreement of the named peer. In these cases the chapter should appoint the peer as their honorary Colonel of the Regiment.
  • OTHER: Chapters may also devise place names that are neither of the above types (canon places, TRMN peerage lands), subject to Adjutant-General approval. The AG will determine if the proposed place name is in canon style.


Aerospace forces use different unit sub-echelon nomenclature, with “Wing” replacing “Regiment:”

TRMN chapter name example: The Shadow Vale Aerospace Wing.


Some regiments or wings may use a different nomenclature format than Placename Regiment or Placename Wing due to their traditions or functional combat role. Examples:

  • Placename Lancers
  • Loyal Placename Volunteers
  • Placename Aerospace Yeomanry

They will still be considered regiments (or wings, if Atmospheric units) even if the word “Regiment” or “Wing” is not part of the chapter name.


The official regimental name will be used in MEDUSA, but RMA chapters are allowed and even encouraged to have nicknames. In some cases, the Adjutant-General may suggest more canon alternatives to a prospective unit’s name idea, but that the idea would be an excellent nickname to use alongside the official name.


An extensive, but not all-inclusive, list of place names and regimental name ideas is available here:
RMA Chapter Name Ideas

Prospective chapters are invited to discuss their ideas with the Adjutant-General:

This order is effective as of 1 July 2024.

For Honor and the Star Kingdom,

Issued by:
Adjutant-General, Royal Manticoran Army

See Also

External Links


  1. The Shadow Vale Regiment is mentioned in the short story "The Silesian Command" and is named for the Duchy of Shadow vale on the planet Sphinx.