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Marine Detachment
Squad / Section
Platoon / Flight
Company / Squadron
Strike Company / Strike Squadron
Battalion / Group
Regiment / Wing
Field Army / Expeditionary Force

A flight is a military unit used by the Royal Manticoran Army's Atmospheric Command and also Light Attack Craft of the Royal Manticoran Navy.

In canon, a flight is subsidiary echelon of a squadron consisting of several craft.

Army Aerospace Flight

in The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. (TRMN), a flight is an Atmospheric Command (RMAAC) Tier 2 chapter, the equivalent of a ground force platoon.

Its required minimum complement is:[1]

3+ Total members*
CO: 2nd Lieutenant (O-1)
NCOIC: Staff Sergeant (E-6)

Chapter Nomenclature

All RMA chapters that wish to portray an Aerospace unit take a wing name. If they are a smaller tier than full wing, they portray a constituent echelon of the wing. For example, a Tier 2 chapter portrays one of the wing's flights.
Example: Stonearch Atmospheric Wing, Alpha Squadron, Number One Flight
The chapter name stays the same as the chapter grows to portray larger portions of the wing, up to the full wing (Tier 9 chapter).[2]

Navy Light Attack Craft Flight

The Royal Manticoran Navy and other Grand Alliance navies operate Light Attack Craft (LACs). In The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. (TRMN), LAC chapters may be grouped into LAC Flights consisting of 2-3 LACs. The LAC FLight will be commanded by the senior CO of the member LACs.

See Also
