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Wound Award
(Tier 4 award)
Authority: Service Head
Frequency: As needed and awarded quarterly in
April, July, October, and January.


This award is issued to members of TRMN who either are seriously injured while on duty during an event or participate in a blood donation drive at an approved event. The injury must be serious enough to require emergency room attention. Donation of Blood or Platelets are also acceptable methods for gaining the Wound Stripe. The donation must occur during a Fleet or Admiralty House event or during an organizational drive approved by the Steering Committee. All donations must be documented, and a copy of the documentation must be submitted for review.

One stripe will be issued for the first blood donation and subsequent awards will be gained for every three blood donations thereafter.

Award by Service

Service Name Ribbon Medal
Royal Manticoran Navy Wound Stripe
Wound Stripe (stripe).png
Royal Manticoran Marine Corps Wound Stripe
Wound Stripe (stripe).png
Royal Manticoran Army Wound Stripe
Wound Stripe (stripe).png
Grayson Space Navy Wound Medal
25 - Wound Medal.png
Republic of Haven Navy
Imperial Andermani Navy Wundabzeichen (Wound Badge)
IAN wound badge black.png
IAN wound badge silver.png
IAN wound badge gold.png
The Civilian Corps Queen's Lifesaving Medal
Royal Manticoran Merchant Marine Queen's Lifesaving Medal
Rmmm logo.png
Rmmm logo.png
Royal Manticoran Astro Control Service Queen's Lifesaving Medal
Sphinx Forestry Commission Queen's Lifesaving Medal
Sphinx Forestry Commission.png
Sphinx Forestry Commission.png


-List in Creation-


The Wounded Stripe (WS) is awarded to member of the Star Empire of Manticore's military forces who have been wouunded in the line of duty. Known canon recipients include Lady Dame Honor Harrington, Ginger Lewis, Rafael Cardones, Sir Aivars Terekhov, and Iris Babcock.