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(Created page with "Highest Award for Gallantry {{medal-info | image = | name = Highest Award for Gallantry<br> (Tier 4 award) | auth = Service Head | freq = Annually <br> Awarded quarterly in <br>April, July, October, January. | branches = | image2 = }} ==Criteria== The criteria for this award is exceptional service to the organization, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or b) by performing a particular task or service to a hig...")
(New Generic Awards page for highest award of gallantry.)
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| [[Republic of Haven Navy]] ||  || [[File: Rhnflash.png |50px|center]] || [[File: Rhnflash.png |50px|center]]
| [[Republic of Haven Navy]] ||  || [[File: Rhnflash.png |50px|center]] || [[File: Rhnflash.png |50px|center]]
| [[Imperial Andermani Navy]] || || [[File: |50px|center]] || [[File:IAN-logo.png |50px|center]]  
| [[Imperial Andermani Navy]] || Order of Tischendorf || [[File:Order of Tischendorf-16.png |50px|center]] || [[File:IAN-logo.png |50px|center]]  
| [[The Civilian Corps]] || || [[File: |100px|center]] || [[File:CivilianCorps.png |50px|center]]  
| [[The Civilian Corps]] || PM's Distinguished Service Award || [[File:CivilianCorps.png |50px|center]] || [[File:CivilianCorps.png |50px|center]]  
| [[Royal Manticoran Merchant Marine]] || || [[File: |100px|center]] || [[File: Rmmm logo.png|50px|center]]  
| [[Royal Manticoran Merchant Marine]] || Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal || [[File:RMMM Distinguished Service Medal.png |100px|center]] || [[File: Rmmm logo.png|50px|center]]  
| [[Royal Manticoran Astro Control Service]] || || [[File: |100px|center]] || [[File:RMACS.png |50px|center]]  
| [[Royal Manticoran Astro Control Service]] || AstroControl Medal of Valor || [[File:Astro Control Medal of Valor.png |100px|center]] || [[File:RMACS.png |50px|center]]  
| [[Sphinx Forestry Commission]] || || [[File: |100px|center]] || [[File: Sphinx Forestry Commission.png|50px|center]]  
| [[Sphinx Forestry Commission]] || SFC Medal of Valor || [[File:Sphinx Forestry Commission Medal of Valor.png |100px|center]] || [[File: Sphinx Forestry Commission.png|50px|center]]  

TJ Allen <br>
* TJ Allen <br>
Nathan Balyeat <br>
* Kenneth Ayotte <br>
William Becker <br>
* Nathan Balyeat <br>
Garret Bitker <br>
* William Becker <br>
Leah Bloodgood <br>
* Garret Bitker <br>
Lori Bonilla <br>
* Leah Bloodgood <br>
John Brice <br>
* Lori Bonilla <br>
Christa Brolley <br>
* Dylan Bradley <br>
Wayne Bruns <br>
* John Brice <br>
Doss Buckalew <br>
* Christa Brolley <br>
Diane Bulkeley <br>
* Wayne Bruns <br>
Robert Bulkeley <br>
* Doss Buckalew <br>
Jeremy Carsten <br>
* Diane Bulkeley <br>
Angela Clayton <br>
* Robert Bulkeley <br>
Carolyn Crutchfield <br>
* William Cain <br>
Phil Culmer <br>
* David Campbell <br>
Elizabeth Davis <br>
* Joanna Campbell <br>
Sherman Day <br>
* Jeremy Carsten <br>
Samuel Dietzmann <br>
* Moira Chance <br>
Drew Drentlaw <br>
* Angela Clayton <br>
Cindy Epard <br>
* Thomas Coonradt <br>
Danielle Erikson <br>
* Carolyn Crutchfield <br>
Dora Erikson <br>
* Phil Culmer <br>
William Farley II <br>
* Brandi Darbe <br>
George Farmer <br>
* Mark Darbe <br>
Kim Furr <br>
* Morgan David <br>
Michael Garcia <br>
* Elizabeth Davis <br>
Kristina Gordon <br>
* Sherman Day <br>
Joseph Grieco <br>
* Bobby Dean <br>
Don Hackett <br>
* Samuel Dietzmann <br>
Joseph Harney <br>
* James Dobbs <br>
Andrew Harper <br>
* Drew Drentlaw <br>
Thomas Hathaway <br>
* Shon Elliott <br>
Michael Henigan <br>
* Cindy Epard <br>
Joe Hinson <br>
* Danielle Erikson <br>
Michael Houghtaling <br>
* Dora Erikson <br>
Oliver Kindzorra <br>
* William Farley <br>
William Knight <br>
* George Farmer <br>
Cheryl Krause <br>
* Margaret Fowler <br>
Shirley Kunz <br>
* Kim Furr <br>
Martin Lessem <br>
* Kim Furr <br>
Patrick Lindsley <br>
* Michael Garcia <br>
Colin Lloyd <br>
* Anthony Gillian <br>
Laura Lochen <br>
* David Goldsberry <br>
Rob Marshall <br>
* Kristina Gordon <br>
Patrick McKinnion. <br>
* Kim Green <br>
Jill McTavish <br>
* Joseph Grieco <br>
David Misener <br>
* Winter Guite <br>
Mark Morgan <br>
* Don Hackett <br>
John Neitz <br>
* Joseph Harney <br>
Tracy Newby <br>
* Andrew Harper <br>
James Olsen <br>
* Thomas Hathaway <br>
Matthew Parker <br>
* Michael Henigan <br>
Zach Perkins <br>
* Kelly Hilliard <br>
Mir Plemmons <br>
* Joe Hinson <br>
Elisa Randall <br>
* Michael Houghtaling <br>
Eddy Roberts <br>
* Sean Ireland <br>
Mike Romero <br>
* Marcus Johnston <br>
Jamie Salsberg <br>
* Peri Jones <br>
Tammy Schoonover <br>
* Joe Junger <br>
Eric Schulman <br>
* Oliver Kindzorra <br>
Geoffrey Strayer <br>
* William Knight <br>
Sonja Thiede <br>
* Cheryl Krause <br>
Christopher Thompson <br>
* Megan Krick <br>
Michael Timko <br>
* Shirley Kunz <br>
Cindy van Wyhe <br>
* Brad Lee <br>
Benjamin Wagner <br>
* Martin Lessem <br>
Daniel Walker <br>
* David Levi <br>
David Westover <br>
* Patrick Lindsley <br>
Zachary White <br>
* Colin Lloyd <br>
Lisa Wiedemann <br>
* Laura Lochen <br>
Philipp Wohlrab <br>
* William Lochen <br>
Sonja Wolf <br>
* Kay Lyerly <br>
Geoffrey Zoeller <br>
* Alex MacKenzie <br>
* Rob Marshall <br>
* Michael McGaw <br>
* Patrick McKinnion. <br>
* Jill McTavish <br>
* David Misener <br>
* Mark Morgan <br>
* John Neitz <br>
* Tracy Newby <br>
* Lauren Niemeyer <br>
* Nathan Niemi <br>
* Ken O’Dell <br>
* James Olsen <br>
* Danielle Ostach <br>
* Michael Panter <br>
* Andrew Parker <br>
* Matthew Parker <br>
* Zach Perkins <br>
* Johnathon Pittman <br>
* Mir Plemmons <br>
* David Potter <br>
* Kevin Powers <br>
* Elisa Randall <br>
* Kathy Rau <br>
* Eddy Roberts <br>
* Christopher Roche <br>
* Michael Romero <br>
* Mike Romero <br>
* Jamie Salsberg <br>
* Tammy Schoonover <br>
* Eric Schulman <br>
* Russel Selkirk <br>
* Ana Shirley <br>
* Doug Staudt <br>
* Kacie Stevens <br>
* Geoffrey Strayer <br>
* Terry Street <br>
* Scott Summers <br>
* Dennis Sustare <br>
* Stephanie Taylor-Morgan <br>
* Sonja Thiede <br>
* Christopher Thompson <br>
* Michael Timko <br>
* Robert Toland <br>
* Cindy van Wyhe <br>
* Benjamin Wagner <br>
* Benjamin Wagner <br>
* Daniel Walker <br>
* Tammy Walker <br>
* Rick Waterson <br>
* Jeffrey Webb <br>
* David Westover <br>
* Zachary White <br>
* Lisa Wiedemann <br>
* Philipp Wohlrab <br>
* Sonja Wolf <br>
* Geoffrey Zoeller <br>

Honorees within canon include [[honorverse:Franklin Casey | Franklin Casey]]<ref>{{MA2}}</ref> (the first recpient), [[honorverse:Carlton Locatelli|Carleton Locatelli]]<ref>{{MA2}}</ref>, [[honorverse:Richard Maxwell | Richard Maxwell]]<ref>{{HH9}}</ref>, [[honorverse:Honor Harrington | Lady Dame Honor Harrington]]<ref name="HH1">{{HH1}}</ref>, [[Captain]] [[honorverse:Captain Thoma | Thoma]]<ref>{{HH9}}</ref>, [[honorverse:Aivars Terekhov | Sir Aivars Terekhov]]<ref>{{SI1}}</ref>, and [[honorverse:Michael Oversteegen | Michael Oversteegen]]<ref>{{CS1}}</ref>. And enlisted recipients in the Honorverse canon include [[honorverse:Lorelei Osterman | Lorelei Osterman]], for whom the award was re-named (originally the Cross of Military Valor<ref>{{MA2}}</ref>); [[honorverse:Iris Babcock | Iris Babcock]], [[honorverse:Alfred Harrington | Alfred Harrington]]<ref>{{HHA6.3}}</ref>, and [[honorverse:Ginger Lewis | Ginger Lewis]].


Revision as of 13:46, 14 August 2024

Highest Award for Gallantry
(Tier 4 award)
Authority: Service Head
Frequency: Annually
Awarded quarterly in
April, July, October, January.


The criteria for this award is exceptional service to the organization, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or b) by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty.

Award by Service

Service Name Ribbon Medal
Royal Manticoran Navy Manticore Cross (officer)
Osterman Cross (enlisted)
RMN MC.png
RMN OC.png
Manticore cross medal.png
Osterman cross medal.png
Royal Manticoran Marine Corps Manticore Cross (officer)
Osterman Cross (enlisted)
RMN MC.png
RMN OC.png
Manticore cross medal.png
Osterman cross medal.png
Royal Manticoran Army Cormany Star (officer
Distinguished Service Medal
Cormany Star Ribbon.png
Distinguished Service Medal Ribbon.png
RMA Logo.png
Grayson Space Navy Armsman's Cross with Diamonds (officer)
Cross of Courage with Diamonds (enlisted)
05 - Armsmans Cross with Diamonds.png
06 - Cross of Courage with Diamonds.png
Gsn logo.png
Republic of Haven Navy
Imperial Andermani Navy Order of Tischendorf
Order of Tischendorf-16.png
The Civilian Corps PM's Distinguished Service Award
Royal Manticoran Merchant Marine Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal
RMMM Distinguished Service Medal.png
Rmmm logo.png
Royal Manticoran Astro Control Service AstroControl Medal of Valor
Astro Control Medal of Valor.png
Sphinx Forestry Commission SFC Medal of Valor
Sphinx Forestry Commission Medal of Valor.png
Sphinx Forestry Commission.png


  • TJ Allen
  • Kenneth Ayotte
  • Nathan Balyeat
  • William Becker
  • Garret Bitker
  • Leah Bloodgood
  • Lori Bonilla
  • Dylan Bradley
  • John Brice
  • Christa Brolley
  • Wayne Bruns
  • Doss Buckalew
  • Diane Bulkeley
  • Robert Bulkeley
  • William Cain
  • David Campbell
  • Joanna Campbell
  • Jeremy Carsten
  • Moira Chance
  • Angela Clayton
  • Thomas Coonradt
  • Carolyn Crutchfield
  • Phil Culmer
  • Brandi Darbe
  • Mark Darbe
  • Morgan David
  • Elizabeth Davis
  • Sherman Day
  • Bobby Dean
  • Samuel Dietzmann
  • James Dobbs
  • Drew Drentlaw
  • Shon Elliott
  • Cindy Epard
  • Danielle Erikson
  • Dora Erikson
  • William Farley
  • George Farmer
  • Margaret Fowler
  • Kim Furr
  • Kim Furr
  • Michael Garcia
  • Anthony Gillian
  • David Goldsberry
  • Kristina Gordon
  • Kim Green
  • Joseph Grieco
  • Winter Guite
  • Don Hackett
  • Joseph Harney
  • Andrew Harper
  • Thomas Hathaway
  • Michael Henigan
  • Kelly Hilliard
  • Joe Hinson
  • Michael Houghtaling
  • Sean Ireland
  • Marcus Johnston
  • Peri Jones
  • Joe Junger
  • Oliver Kindzorra
  • William Knight
  • Cheryl Krause
  • Megan Krick
  • Shirley Kunz
  • Brad Lee
  • Martin Lessem
  • David Levi
  • Patrick Lindsley
  • Colin Lloyd
  • Laura Lochen
  • William Lochen
  • Kay Lyerly
  • Alex MacKenzie
  • Rob Marshall
  • Michael McGaw
  • Patrick McKinnion.
  • Jill McTavish
  • David Misener
  • Mark Morgan
  • John Neitz
  • Tracy Newby
  • Lauren Niemeyer
  • Nathan Niemi
  • Ken O’Dell
  • James Olsen
  • Danielle Ostach
  • Michael Panter
  • Andrew Parker
  • Matthew Parker
  • Zach Perkins
  • Johnathon Pittman
  • Mir Plemmons
  • David Potter
  • Kevin Powers
  • Elisa Randall
  • Kathy Rau
  • Eddy Roberts
  • Christopher Roche
  • Michael Romero
  • Mike Romero
  • Jamie Salsberg
  • Tammy Schoonover
  • Eric Schulman
  • Russel Selkirk
  • Ana Shirley
  • Doug Staudt
  • Kacie Stevens
  • Geoffrey Strayer
  • Terry Street
  • Scott Summers
  • Dennis Sustare
  • Stephanie Taylor-Morgan
  • Sonja Thiede
  • Christopher Thompson
  • Michael Timko
  • Robert Toland
  • Cindy van Wyhe
  • Benjamin Wagner
  • Benjamin Wagner
  • Daniel Walker
  • Tammy Walker
  • Rick Waterson
  • Jeffrey Webb
  • David Westover
  • Zachary White
  • Lisa Wiedemann
  • Philipp Wohlrab
  • Sonja Wolf
  • Geoffrey Zoeller


Honorees within canon include Franklin Casey[1] (the first recpient), Carleton Locatelli[2], Richard Maxwell[3], Lady Dame Honor Harrington[4], Captain Thoma[5], Sir Aivars Terekhov[6], and Michael Oversteegen[7]. And enlisted recipients in the Honorverse canon include Lorelei Osterman, for whom the award was re-named (originally the Cross of Military Valor[8]); Iris Babcock, Alfred Harrington[9], and Ginger Lewis.