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(New Generic Awards page for Second Lowest Award for Gallantry.)
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* Geoffrey Zoeller <br>
* Geoffrey Zoeller <br>

In canon, known recipients of the Order of Gallantry include [[honorverse:Rafael Cardones | Rafael Cardones]]<ref>{{HH1}}</ref>, [[honorverse:Honor Harrington | Honor Harrington]], [[honorverse:Alistair McKeon | Alistair McKeon]]<ref>{{HH1}}</ref>, [[honorverse:Prescott Tremaine | Prescott 'Scotty' Tremaine]]<ref>{{HH1}}</ref>, and [[honorverse:Andreas Venizelos | Andreas Venizelos]]<ref>{{HH1}}</ref>.
In canon, known recipients of the Order of Gallantry include [[honorverse:Rafael Cardones | Rafael Cardones]]<ref>{{HH1}}</ref>, [[honorverse:Honor Harrington | Honor Harrington]], [[honorverse:Alistair McKeon | Alistair McKeon]]<ref>{{HH1}}</ref>, [[honorverse:Prescott Tremaine | Prescott 'Scotty' Tremaine]]<ref>{{HH1}}</ref>, and [[honorverse:Andreas Venizelos | Andreas Venizelos]]<ref>{{HH1}}</ref>.


Latest revision as of 19:17, 21 August 2024

Second Lowest Award for Gallantry
(Tier 4 award)
Authority: Service Head
Frequency: Annually
Awarded quarterly in April, July, October, January


The criteria for this award is exceptional service to the RMN or and RMMC in general, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or b) by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher award.

Award by Service

Service Name Ribbon Medal
Royal Manticoran Navy Order of Gallantry (officer)
Navy Star (enlisted)
Order of gallantry.png
Navy star.png
Royal Manticoran Marine Corps Order of Gallantry (officer)
Navy Star (enlisted)
Order of gallantry.png
Navy star.png
Royal Manticoran Army Medal of Gallantry (officer)
Queen's Army Medal (enlisted)
Medal of Gallantry Ribbon.png
Queens Army Medal Ribbon.png
RMA Logo.png
Grayson Space Navy Armsman's Cross with Crossed Swords (officer)
Cross of Courage with Crossed Swords (enlisted)
11 - Armsmans Cross with Crossed Swords.png
12 - Cross of Courage with Crossed Swords.png
Gsn logo.png
Republic of Haven Navy
Imperial Andermani Navy Star of the Imperial Eagle
Star of the Imperial Eagle-17.png
The Civilian Corps Award for Valor (officer)
Superior Honor Award (enlisted)
Royal Manticoran Merchant Marine Transportation Ministry Silver Medal (officer)
Trade Ministry Silver Medal (enlisted)
Transportation Ministry Silver Medal.png
Trade Ministry Silver Medal.png
Rmmm logo.png
Royal Manticoran Astro Control Service Transportation Ministry Silver Medal (officer)
Astro Control Commander's Silver Medal (enlisted)
Transportation Ministry Silver Medal.png
Astro Control Commanders Silver Medal.png
Sphinx Forestry Commission Commissioner's Medal (officer)
Head Ranger's Medal (enlisted)
Commissioners Medal.png
Head Rangers Medal.png
Sphinx Forestry Commission.png


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  • James Cress
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  • Benjamin Wagner
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  • Rick Waterson
  • Jeffrey Webb
  • David Westover
  • Zachary White
  • Marcus Wilmes
  • Jason Wu
  • Brad Zeak
  • Brad Zeak
  • Geoffrey Zoeller


In canon, known recipients of the Order of Gallantry include Rafael Cardones[1], Honor Harrington, Alistair McKeon[2], Prescott 'Scotty' Tremaine[3], and Andreas Venizelos[4].