HMLAC Detriment (LAC-038)

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HMLAC Detriment (LAC-038) is a Shrike-B-class Light Attack Craft presently active in First Fleet.


Detriment was commissioned on 15 April 2023 under the command of LTSG Kenneth Ayotte. The Detriment was assigned to patrol Boston, MA. The ship runs regular meetings and game nights in its area as well as going to science fiction and literature conventions.

Commanding Officers

# Name Assumed Relieved
1 CDR Sir Kenneth Ayotte 15 April 2023 incumbent


# Name Assumed Relieved
1 SCPO Sir Thomas Boutilier 15 April 2023 incumbent

Command Staff

Commanding Officer - CDR Sir Kenneth Ayotte
Bosun - SCPO Sir Thomas Boutilier

Ship's Awards

Grand Alliance Unit Excellence Awards

Flight Ops letter F awarded 14 May 2024.[1]

Tactical letter T awarded 14 June 2024.[2]

Administration letter A awarded 4 July 2024.[3]

Command letter C, Communications letter C, logistics letter L, and astrogation letter A awarded 8 September 2024.[4]

Ship's Orders

NOTE: This Wiki is the authoritative source for orders per the Fourth Space Lord. All orders have been provided by the issuing authority or are as posted in the TRMN Forums.

Ship's Orders are subordinate to, and expand upon or amplify Admiralty Orders, Naval Directives, and First Fleet Orders. They are applicable to Detriment operations and personnel.


See Also

Template:Class Shrike-B

Royal Manticoran Navy
Ferret (LAC) Constantine - Coyote - Highlander's Pride - Kiki - Superior - Tiberius - Velociraptor - Zwicky
Shrike (LAC) Gungnir
Shrike-B (LAC) Abraxas - Browncoat - Detriment - Faraway Quest - Grimalkin - Scythe - Tiger's Pride
Grayson Space Navy
Katana (LAC) Caleb - Fastjack - Gideon's Sword - Sgian Dubh - Stiletto
Republic of Haven Navy
Cimeterre (LAC) Pitchfork