PD-SC-1007 Awards Policy

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Notice to Editors: Only the Secretary of the Steering Committee, or their designate, is authorized to make modifications to Steering Committee Policy Documents. Any edit requests should be directed to the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff and will be handled via the Amendment Process.
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PD-SC-1007 Awards Policy was issued 20 January 2024 by the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff.
This policy document establishes the Awards Policy for The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. (TRMN).

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Amendments may, from time to time, be proposed to, or by, the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff. Any amendments will be considered and voted on as necessary. All amendments that have been passed will be noted below.

Effective Date Subject Proposed By Vote
28 Feb 2024 This amendment corrected all instances of “Adrienne’s Cross” with the correct term “Adrienne Cross.” Additionally, Point 7d was amended to include the “Order of Gallantry” to the list before the “Naval Star." The OG was accidentally missed during the original drafting. Internal 8A, 0N, 0Abst, 0Abs
19 May 2024 This amendment renumbered the Policy Document and added Points 14 and 15. This amendment outlines how the Order of Queen Elizabeth and Grand Alliance Campaign Medals are announced and recorded going forward, as well as clarifies the criteria for earning the Grand Alliance Campaign Medal. Accordingly, all previous legacy Admiralty Orders detailing recipients for those two awards have been rescinded. Internal / Chancellor of the Exchequer 6A, 0N, 0Abst, 2Abs
21 July 2024 This amendment added nomination deadlines to Point 13; adding Point 13.a.i., 13.b.i., and 13.c.i. This addition sets nomination deadlines for Tier 1-4 award submissions to give the Steering Committee and the Component Branch Heads time to review nomination packages before the set awarding period. Internal 9A, 0N, 0Abst, 0Abs
16 Oct 2024 This amendment added a bulk submission procedure to Point 17; adding Point 17.j. Internal 9A, 0N, 0Abst, 0Abs
20 Oct 2024 This amendment added a mechanism to request awards be held pending an in-person award ceremony. The amendment adds to point 12 and removed Point 18, renumbering the remaining two points to follow in sequence. Internal 7A, 0N, 0Abst, 2Abs
17 Nov 2024 This amendment added an award withdrawal procedure to Point 9; adding Point 9.f.i. Internal 9A, 0N, 0Abst, 0Abs
19 Jan 2025 This amendment modified Point 15.b to reflect a new credit dollar amount, and modified Point 15.d to add a monetary value to hours worked. Additionally, clarification was provided regarding the OQE award. This is the new Point 16. Internal By Acclimation


1. For purposes of this policy, the services within TRMN are: RMN, RMMC, RMA, GSN, RHN, IAN, SFS, RMMM, RMAC, DIP and SIS.

2. For brevity, all awards will be listed as the RMN name unless no equivalent exists.

3. Membership Awards

  • a. Membership Awards are defined as those awards that are presented to commemorate an important event or milestone for The Royal Manticoran Navy, The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association.
  • b. The Bureau of Personnel, Office of Awards, will automatically update the records of all members that meet the criteria.
  • c. Further details, including eligibility criteria, are found in the Awards Manual.
  • d. All membership awards shall adhere to the following hierarchy:
    • i. Coronation Medal
    • ii. Silver Jubilee Medal
    • iii. Gold Jubilee Medal
    • iv. Diamond Jubilee Medal
  • e. Following the Queen Elizabeth III Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2032, the following Monarchs are to be used:
    • i. Roger IV (2037-2052)
    • ii. Edward II (2057-2072)
    • iii. For the 70th Anniversary Membership Award and beyond, the following Monarchs are available to be used:
      • 1. Michael III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
      • 2. Edward III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, X
      • 3. Adrienne II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
      • 4. William III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, X
      • 5. Catrine II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
      • 6. Samantha III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, X
      • 7. Roger V, VI, VIII, IX, X
      • 8. Elizabeth IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, X

4. Memorial Awards

  • a. Memorial Awards are defined as those awards that are presented to memorialize an important event or milestone for The Royal Manticoran Navy, The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association.
  • b. Current Memorial Awards:
    • i. Manticore and Havenite 1905-1922 War Medal
    • ii. Yawata Strike Memorial Ribbon
  • c. Additional Memorial Awards may, from time to time, be created.
  • d. The Bureau of Personnel, Office of Awards, will see that the records of all members meeting the criteria are updated.
  • e. Further details, including eligibility criteria, are found in the Awards Manual.

5. All award designs, descriptions, and directions for wear and display will be provided via a manual published by the Steering Committee and BuPers.

6. Members shall be issued the award equivalence that corresponds to their current component branch, regardless of original nomination.

  • a. Foreign Awards are excluded and, if the criteria is met, may be awarded as nominated. (See Point 9)
  • b. If a member switches to another component branch with unique awards, every effort should be made to convert all previously earned awards to those of the new component branch as soon as practically possible.
    • i. An example would be a member transferring from the Royal Manticoran Navy to the Grayson Space Navy.
  • c. All foreign awards, with the exception of the highest award for each service (PMV, Star of Grayson, etc.) are worn at the bottom of the members’ ribbon rack, below any awards for the members’ current service. The PMV and its equivalent awards are worn in the normal position at the top of the members’ ribbon rack, regardless of the service they are currently serving or when the award was issued.
  • d. A member may wear no more than 3 foreign awards, in total, at any time and they should be the highest foreign awards earned by the member. The PMV and its equivalents are exempted from the maximum number of foreign awards which may be worn.

7. Other Award Types

  • a. Tier 1 - Parliamentary Medal of Valor (PMV) and Queen’s Cross for Bravery (QCB)
  • b. Tier 2 - Adrienne Cross (AC), Order of the Star Kingdom (KSK), Order of Merit (OM), Order of King Roger (OKR), Order of the Golden Lion (OGL)
  • c. Tier 3 - Order of Queen Elizabeth (OQE) and the Grand Alliance Campaign Medal (GACM).
  • d. Tier 4 - Manticore Cross (MC), Osterman Cross (OS), Royal Unit Citation for Gallantry(RUCG), Saganami Cross (SC), Distinguished Gallantry Cross (DGC), Order of Gallantry (OG), Navy Star (NS), Distinguished Service Order (DSO), Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CGM), Gryphon Star (GS), Order of the Crown for Naval Service (OCN), Wound Stripe (WS), Monarchs Thanks (MT), Fleet Excellence Award (FEA), List of Honor Citation (LHC) and HMS Unconquered Crew and Captain.
  • e. Tier 5 - Queen’s Bravery (QBM), Meritorious Service Medal (MSM), Navy Commendation Decoration (NCD), Royal Meritorious Unit Citation (RMUC), Prisoner of War Medal (PWM), Survivor’s Cross (SC), Silesian Anti-Piracy Campaign Medal (SAPC), Masadan Occupation Medal (MOM), Havenite War Campaign Medal (HWCM), Havenite Operational Service Medal (HOSM) and the Marksmanship awards.
  • f. Tier 6 - all other awards except those listed as special.

8. Any member may nominate another member for any award, regardless of rank or position.

9. All award nominations should be submitted to the BuPers Awards Office:

  • a. All awards must be received no later than five weeks after the qualifying action.
  • b. Shall be reviewed and sent to the ‘issuing authority’ within 2 weeks.
  • c. The nomination will be reviewed to verify that it meets all the criteria for that award
  • d. A recommendation can be added to the award by BuPers as to whether:
    • i. The nomination is in order.
    • ii. The criteria is not met.
    • iii. The award can be upgraded/downgraded based on award criteria.
    • iv. The nominee can not receive this award again this year.
  • e. Once processed they will be sent:
    • i. Tier 1 awards shall be sent to both Speakers of Parliament.
    • ii. Tiers 2 - 3 awards shall be sent to the Steering Committee.
    • iii. Tiers 4 - 6 awards shall be sent to the awarding authority.
  • f. Withdrawing an award nomination:
    • i. A nomination can be withdrawn by the nominator after submission, but before it is issued, by contacting the BuPers Office of Awards. The nominator must submit a clear declaration that they wish to withdraw the submitted nomination, including the confirmation number provided in the receipt email, and by providing a simple explanation as to the reason for the withdrawal request. BuPers will have the right to review the request and not process a withdrawal if it appears to have been submitted for arbitrary and capricious reasons. An award nomination cannot be withdrawn once the award is publicly issued.

10. All marksmanship programs shall be conducted as outlined in the RMA Marksmanship Manual (or its successor) with the following exceptions:

  • a. RMA will work toward all the awards as outlined in the RMA marksmanship Manual.
  • b. GSN, IAN, and RHN will work toward qualification in Rifle and Pistol, but will only display the highest award gained of the two.
  • c. All other branches will work towards and display Rifle and Pistol Qualifications
  • d. Pistol Marksmanship can be earned via the RMA programs for: Pistol, Grenade, Flechette Gun, Plasma Carbine, Tribarrel.
  • e. Rifle Marksmanship can be earned via the RMA programs for: Rifle, Disruptor, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Rifle.

11. Due to the legal liability associated with offering awards for actual marksmanship, live fire is specifically prohibited from being used to earn marksmanship awards.

12. Award Ceremonies are great places to give out awards and celebrate the work our members do to make TRMN a great organization. To that end, when possible, every effort should be made to give out awards in person. This is especially true for a member of Parliament to give out a Tier 1 award. Because of this, some awards can be withheld from announcing until after the physical presentation. The award should always be announced formally, whether at its normal time or immediately after the presentation as an addendum so that all the members can recognize their work and we can better keep track of it.

  • a. At all physical award ceremonies, the senior most ranking member present, regardless of service, shall be responsible for the actual distribution of all awards.
  • b. To request awards be diverted for an in-person award ceremony, the Issuing Authority, under whom the award ceremony is being organized and/or their designee, shall contact the Awards Office to inform them of the event no earlier than the quarter prior to the ceremony.
  • c. The request shall include:
    • i. The name of the event
    • ii. The date(s) of the event
    • iii. The name of the Issuing Authority for the ceremony
    • iv. A list of names of all possible members attending the event.
    • v. A list of the awards wished to be held.
    • vi. All appropriate Branch Heads carbon copied. Branch Heads shall reply to email within one week of submission date if they have any questions or objections.
  • d. Upon receipt of the request, the Awards Office shall reassign all applicable awards to the new issuing authority.
  • e. Within two weeks of the event, an award announcement shall be published, by the Issuing Authority, in the Forums, with all relevant awardees by the issuing authority under whom the event was organized.

13. Award Issuance Schedule and Deadlines

  • a. Tier 1-2 awards shall be announced Bi-annually (April, October)
    • i. The deadline for submission of nomination packages is February 28 and August 31 respectively.
  • b. Tier 3 awards shall be announced Quarterly (April, July, October, January)
    • i. The deadline for submission of qualifying information is the last day of the month before the awarding month (i.e. for a third-quarter award nomination, qualifying information must be received by the appropriate office on the last day of September to meet the deadline, otherwise it will be considered in the next quarter.)
  • c. Tier 4 awards shall be announced Quarterly (April, July, October, January)
    • i. The deadline for submission of nomination packages is the last day of the month before the awarding month (i.e. for a third-quarter award nomination, the nomination package must be received by the Office of Awards on the last day of September to meet the deadline, otherwise it will be considered in the next quarter.)
  • d. All Tier 5-6 awards shall be issued by the awarding authority within 15 days of approval by the BuPers Office of Awards unless held for an Award Ceremony
  • e. The Tier 1-4 awards shall be awarded no later than 15th day of the indicated month.

14. Tier 3 Awards shall be Categorized and Announced thus:

  • a. The announcement will be made on the TRMN Forums and will not be in the form of a JCD (Joint Chief's Directive.)
  • b. A definitive and complete list of all members, as well as their current award level as applicable, shall be kept on the TRMN Wiki (Mantipedia) and be curated by the Secretary of the Steering Committee, or their designated representative, following each quarterly award announcement.
  • c. Following each announcement, the curated list will be updated with the "Current As Of" (CAO) date, and new information will be highlighted in orange for ease of reference.
    • i. The curated list for the Order of Queen Elizabeth (OQE) may be accessed by following the link on the Order of Queen Elizabeth TRMN Wiki (Mantipedia) article.
    • ii. The curated list for the Grand Alliance Campaign Medal (GACM) may be accessed by following the link on the Grand Alliance Campaign Medal TRMN Wiki (Mantipedia) article.

15. The Grand Alliance Campaign Medal (GACM), or its equivalent, shall be awarded to qualifying Grand Alliance Personnel for making donations totaling at least $300 USD to TRMN-sponsored charities within the calendar year (January 1st through December 31st.)

  • a. Current TRMN-sponsored charities include:
  • b. Donations shall be made by any one of the following criteria:
    • i. Organizing a Charity event that brings in the required amount. Passive efforts such as setting up a FaceBook, Go Fund Me, collection jar, or similar fundraiser does not qualify.
    • ii. Working at a Charity event. Time will be credited at $25 USD per hour worked.
    • iii. Donating money, goods, equipment, etc.
    • iv. Donating time directly to a charitable organization. Time will be credited at $25 per hour worked.
  • c. Written documentation shall be required for all donations to be recognized.
  • d. Donations may be made, per point 15.b.iii, to any registered charitable organization (except churches or political-based organizations) or international charitable non-governmental organization (NGO) but are awarded at half value ($0.50 USD per dollar donated/$12.50 USD per hour worked).
  • e. For donations outside of the United States of America that involve non-US currency, credit in USD will be given at the exchange rate on the date of the donation.

16. The Most Regal Order of Queen Elizabeth I

  • a. The purpose of The Most Regal Order of Queen Elizabeth I (OQE) is to encourage members to donate money and supplies to help the Royal Manticoran Navy, the Official Honor Harrington Fan Association operate and engage in events to promote the organization and the work of David Weber.
  • b. Qualifying activity for OQE awards is defined as financial or product donations, and is credited at the amount spent, inclusive of taxes, fees, VAT, and other expenses incurred.
  • c. All donations must be accompanied by an itemized receipt to receive credit. In cases where non-OQE qualifying items appear on the same receipt as qualifying items (see below), qualifying items should be circled or otherwise highlighted.
  • d. The following is a list of qualifying donations:
    • i. Direct monetary donations.
    • ii. Supplies for conventions.
      • 1. This includes items intended to be given away, such as bookmarks, business cards, stickers, ribbons, etc.
      • 2. While this should be rare, this includes fan table fees paid to a convention directly.
      • 3. This includes durable goods donated to the organization/local chapter such as tablecloths, banners, flags, televisions, display stands, and other items intended for reuse. Hardware and supplies needed for durable goods is included. Such goods become the property of the local chapter, and not the donor.
      • 4. This includes dedicated party rooms. If the party room is used for housing at the convention, the donation is only credited at 50%. This explicitly includes shoulder nights (non-party nights used for setup/teardown).
      • 5. This includes consumables for conventions under the following guidelines:
        • i. All consumables submitted for OQE must be either fully consumed during convention operations or disposed of at the end of the convention. Alcohol or food not consumed during any room party hours may not be counted (the members finishing it does not count).
        • ii. Homemade foods are not eligible for OQE.
        • iii. As we are an international organization, and as cannabis products are not legal at the federal level in the US, or legal at all in other countries, no cannabis or THC containing products are eligible for OQE.
        • iv. By submitting consumables for OQE levels, the member is explicitly confirming that the consumables were fully consumed or disposed of.
  • c. Supplies for uniforms and costuming, specifically items sourced from BuSup.
    • i. This is to support the creation of the item commonly referred to as a "Captain’s Box."
    • ii. Personal supplies for the member’s own uniform are explicitly excluded.
  • d. Donations to pay for Honorverse authors to attend conventions.
    • i. This includes donation to travel, hotel, appearance fees, and food expenses.
    • ii. Some form of written receipt will be necessary for these donations to be accepted.

17. Foreign Awards

  • a. Foreign Awards are defined as those awards which are not shared or have no direct equivalence across the components of The Royal Manticoran Navy, The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association.
  • b. Members are limited to the display of three (3) foreign awards on their ribbon rack at any given time.
  • c. Foreign Awards for the Star Kingdom of Manticore:
    • i. Adrienne Cross (Unique RMA award)
    • ii. Cross of Courage with Laurel Wreath
    • iii. Sword’s Cross with Crossed Swords
    • iv. Armsman’s Cross with Crossed Swords
  • d. Foreign Awards for the Protectorate of Grayson:
    • i. Adrienne Cross
    • ii. Order of King Roger
    • iii. Order of the Golden Lion
    • iv. Order of Queen Elizabeth
  • e. Foreign Awards for the Imperial Andermani Navy:
    • i. Adrienne Cross
    • ii. Cross of Courage with Laurel Wreath
    • iii. Sword’s Cross with Crossed Swords
    • iv. Armsman’s Cross with Crossed Swords
    • v. Order of the Golden Lion
  • f. Additional Foreign Awards may, from time to time, be created.

18. Awarding Authority

  • a. All awards must be issued by a unit commanding officer of the correct level.
  • b. All awards will be issued by the most appropriate CO possible.
  • c. All awards without multi-service equivalence will be issued by the Head of the appropriate service only.
  • d. Service Heads shall never issue their own awards. All tier 1-4 awards for a Service Head will be issued by the Chair of the Steering Committee as the Chair of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • e. Tiers 1-3 - Steering Committee or designee
  • f. Tier 4 - Service Heads
  • g. Tier 5 - Fleet (or equivalent) COs, Space Lords, and higher.
  • h. Tier 6 - Chapter COs and higher.
  • i. Special:
    • i. Awarded by 5SL - All Coronation and Jubilee Medals, Manticoran Service Medal (MtSM), Manticoran Reserve Service Medal (MRSM), Good Conduct Medal (GCM).
    • ii. Awarded by 6SL - Manticoran Combat Action Medal (MCAM), Space Service Deployment Ribbon (SDD), Recruit Training Ribbon (RTR), Non-Commissioned Officers Senior Course Ribbon (NCO), Armed Forces Service Medal (AFSM), and Space Warfare Pin (SWP).
  • j. Bulk award submissions, those where multiple members will be nominated for the same award (or branch equivalent) at the same time and using the same write-up/justification, may be submitted to the Office of Awards for organization-wide events and conventions.
    • i. A single form may be submitted for these nominations.
    • ii. The specific award (or branch equivalents) must be clearly spelled out
    • iii. The write-up/justification must be the same for every member listed in the award request
    • iv. The designation of the suggested issuing authority shall be listed in the submission. This will normally be:
      • 1. the ranking TRMN member whose unit ran the organization-wide event or convention, and
      • 2. is already a member who currently has the authority to issue awards at this level.
    • v. The Office of Awards may suggest a different issuing authority to the nominator and the 5SL shall be the final arbiter on who shall issue the awards.
    • vi. These awards shall be issued together by the designated issuing authority within two weeks of approval by the Office of Awards.

19. No award shall be granted for merely attending an event, except memorial awards. The member must participate in the event on behalf of the TRMN before an award can be considered.

20. This document will supersedes/replaces the following Orders and Directives: AO1006-04, AO1006-05, AO1006-06, AO1102-04, AO1102-12, AO1102-16, AO1103-02, AO1103-03, AO1103-04, AO1105-01, AO1106-01, AO1108-03, AO1108-05, AO1108-06, AO1108-07, AO1108-08, AO1109-02, AO1201-01, AO1202-02, AO1202-05, AO1203-01, AO1204-02, AO1204-05, AO1208-01, AO1208-03, AO1209-01, AO1301-03, AO1301-04, AO1301-05, AO1303-04, AO1304-01, AO1304-02, AO1304-04, AO1304-07, AO1306-04, AO1307-01, AO1307-04, AO1308-03, AO1308-05, AO1311-01, AO1311-02, AO1312-04, AO1401-03, AO1401-04, AO1401-05, AO1406-03, AO1406-04, AO1406-05, AO1408-06, AO1503-04, AO1506-01, AO1511-04, AO1602-01, AO1602-03, AO1605-01, AO1406-02, AO1608-01, AO1610-01, AO1612-08, AO1701-02, AO1703-02, AO1704-02, AO1707-06, AO1708-01, AO1710-01, AO1801-02, AO1801-04, AO1802-01, AO1803-03, AO1803-07, AO1804-01, AO1809-01, AO1810-02, AO1901-02, AO1903-01, AO1903-03, AO1904-02, AO1907-01, AO1910-02, AO2001-01, AO2001-02, AO2004-01, AO2007-01, AO2010-01, AO2101-01, AO2103-04, AO2105-01, AO2107-01, AO2110-01, AO2201-01, AO2204-01, AO2204-02, AO2207-01, AO2210-01, AO2302-01, AO2304-01, AO2304-02, AO2307-07, AO2307-08, AO2307-11, AO2307-13, AO2310-01

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