PD-SC-1006 Social Media and Correspondence Policy

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PD-SC-1006 Social Media and Correspondence Policy was approved out of committee 20 January 2024 and issued 02 September 2024 by the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff.
This policy document establishes the Social Media and Correspondence Policy for The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. (TRMN).

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1. For the purposes of this policy document “social media” shall be defined as “websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.”

  • a. In The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association social media shall include, but not be limited to, Facebook, Discord, the Forums, and any other platform meeting the definition above that may, from time to time, be utilized.

2. The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, is an a-political organization dedicated solely to the enjoyment of the Honor Harrington series of novels by David Weber and his co-authors. While we respect and acknowledge the rights of all persons; it is not appropriate to display badges, symbols, or make a post of any kind that advocates for a politician, political position, or cause on any TRMN social media page or platform.

  • a. Exceptions are granted for fundraisers (see below).

3. The following applies to Fundraising Campaigns on TRMN social media:

  • a. Personal Fundraisers:
    • i. Personal fundraisers may be posted on Fleet and individual unit social media, according to that Fleet or unit’s individual policy, only.
      • 1. Fleet Commanders or Unit Commanders reserve the right to limit, or prohibit, personal fundraising on fleet or unit social media.
      • 2. Fleet Commanders and Unit Commanders shall establish a policy for personal fundraisers in accordance with this policy document and make it available to TRMN.
    • ii. For the purposes of this policy document “personal fundraisers” shall be defined as any fundraiser by which a member, or an organization the member represents, would personally benefit.
    • iii. Examples may include, but not be limited to, GoFundMe, annual Scouting popcorn/cookie sales, or any other charitable organization not officially recognized by TRMN.
    • iv. Any personal fundraiser that would violate Point 2 is strictly prohibited and will result in the post being removed.
  • b. Officially Sponsored Fundraisers:
    • i. Officially sponsored fundraisers may be posted on any TRMN social media.
      • 1. Posts may only be made by a member of the Board of Directors, a member of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff, or a member authorized to do so on their behalf.
    • ii. For the purposes of this policy document “officially sponsored fundraisers” shall be defined as any fundraiser officially sanctioned by the Board of Directors or the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff.
    • iii. Examples may include, but not be limited to, the officially recognized TRMN charities, Anderman Charities (Run for the Cats, Reading Challenge, Teddy Bear Drive, etc.), an organization-wide blood drive, or any other officially sponsored fundraiser meeting the definition above.

4. The Forums:

  • a. The forums are TRMN’s official method of communication.
  • b. The forums may be found at https://forums.trmn.org
  • c. Members are automatically registered for the forums and may log-in with their MEDUSA username and password.
  • d. All official business shall be conducted on the official TRMN Forums to include:
    • i. Award announcements
    • ii. Promotion announcements
    • iii. Governing Documents
    • iv. Board and Committee minutes.
    • v. Joint Staff Directives
    • vi. Component Directives and Orders
    • vii. Bureau Directives
    • viii. Elections
    • ix. Any other official communication that may, from time to time, be necessary at the discretion of the Board of Directors, Grand Alliance Joint Chief of Staff, or the Space Lords.
  • e. Every Component Branch, Bureau, and Unit must have at least one member of their command team active on the forums to ensure important information is not missed.
  • f. To maintain decorum and positive identification of the forum users, all members will adhere to the following:
    • i. Display Name:
      • 1. Abbreviated Rank, First name, Last name, Position
        • a. Example: VADM Snuffy Snufferson, 8SL

5. Facebook:

  • a. The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association maintains a large presence on the social media platform Facebook.
  • b. The Board of Directors and the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff, or their duly appointed representative(s), shall administer the official organizational Facebook pages or groups.
  • c. The Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff, or their duly appointed representative(s), shall administer, each to their own as appropriate, the component Facebook pages or groups.
  • d. Space Lords, or their duly appointed representative(s), shall administer, each to their own as appropriate, the bureau Facebook pages or groups.
  • e. Fleet/Equivalent Commanders, or their duly appointed representative(s), shall administer, each to their own as appropriate, the fleet Facebook pages or groups.
  • f. Unit Commanders, or their duly appointed representative(s), shall administer, each to their own as appropriate, unit Facebook pages or groups.
  • i. For the purposes of this policy document, “unit Facebook pages or groups” shall be defined as any unit that is subordinate to a Fleet or Fleet equivalent.
  • g. Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the TRMN Code of Conduct, as well as comply with this policy document while interacting on any page or group associated with TRMN
    • i. Any page or group associated with TRMN shall be defined as a page or group meeting the descriptions above, or any other page or group that may, from time to time exist, that falls under those categories.
    • ii. Page or group administrators or moderators may establish complementary codes of conduct (commonly referred to as “Group Rules”) for their areas of responsibility and make those rules available to the membership.
    • iii. Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct, or an individual group’s rules, may result in action up to and including removal from the page or group.
  • h. Personal Facebook Profile:
    • i. It is understood that TRMN members maintain a private life separate from the organization, however, due to the nature of Facebook, it is sometimes unavoidable that a member’s personal opinions or comments may be visible to other members and cause distress or discomfort. TRMN will not discipline members for information on personal pages unless it relates to the organization directly. As this has caused problems in the past, it is advised that members, especially those members in a position of authority or responsibility within the organization, be cognizant of their social media presence, and, if necessary, create an account specifically and solely for interacting with TRMN.

6. From time to time it may be necessary to deliver official written correspondence through either the physical mail, or through electronic means. As such, all members will adhere to the following:

  • a. Letterhead:
    • i. All members in a position of responsibility or authority at the Chapter or Unit Command level and above, may request the creation of a letterhead from the Department of Art and Branding.

7. Discord:

  • a. Members' nicknames should be changed to reflect the server policy.
  • b. The Code of Conduct is in effect on all TRMN servers.
  • c. Though not an official communication platform, TRMN business can be conducted with finalized summary reports being posted on the Forums.
  • d. Server ownership shall be transferred when billet changes require.
    • i. Example: when the service head changes they will transfer the service server to the new head.

8. Signature Block:

  • a. Signature will contain the following.
    • i. LINE 1: NAME (FIRST LAST), any authorized post-nominals, limited to the top (6) six.
      • 1. An exception is made for the PMV and QCB. If you have either, or both, of those, they are always to be listed, and listed before any Knighthoods.
      • 2. Lord/Lady and Sir/Dame, in any language, are not authorized to be used in the signature block
    • ii. LINE 2: RANK, followed by Branch (RMN, RMMC, RMA, GSN, RHN, IAN, RMMM, SFS, RMAC, etc).
    • iii. LINE 3: POSITION
      • 1. Your position is either the highest title you have (forums) or the title for which you are sending the message (email and FB).
      • 2. At no point may a signature block contain more than (1) one position listed.
  • b. If you are the first of your line, you do not list your ordinal number.
  • c. If you are the Second, Third, Fourth, etc., that is listed prior to your Peerage Title
  • d. No additional honorifics may be used for written correspondence in front of the Peerage Title
  • e. Signature blocks will be a maximum of four lines as set forth above.

9. This document will supersede/replace the following Orders and Directives: AO1802-02, AO1711-02, AO1703-06, AO1703-05, AO1703-04, AO1703-03, AO1701-06, AO1611-02, and CD 01-1701.

External Links

  • [PD-SC-1005 Uniform and Dress Code Policy as published on the TRMN Forums.]