Joint Chiefs Directive 2311-04

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Joint Chiefs Directive 2311-04 was issued 22 November 2023 by the Chairman of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff. This directive formally establishes the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff for The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. (TRMN).


Amendments may, from time to time, be proposed to, or by, the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff. Any amendments will be considered and voted on as necessary. All amendments that have been passed will be noted below.

Effective Date Subject Proposed By Vote
06 Jan 2024 Speaker of the House of Commons was amended to reflect the election of Jesse Krug to the office. Internal 8-0-0-0
09 Mar 2024 Republic of Haven Navy CNO was amended to reflect the election of Mitch Dunn to the office following the resignation of the former RHN CNO. Internal 8-0-0-0

Directive Text

Joint Chiefs Directive 2311-04

MEMORANDUM FOR All Officers and Enlisted of the Grand Alliance
FROM ADM McCovey Cove, RMN

Members of the Grand Alliance:

The Steering Committee is henceforth reconstituted as the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff, as unanimously approved in a formal vote by the members of the same on 22 November 2023. This action is in keeping with the tradition that this body should have an appropriate "in universe" name. This body operates under Policy Document PD-BOD-1001, and will continue to be referred to as the Steering Committee in the revised organizational bylaws. This body has functionally replaced the former Royal Council as the day-to-day governing body of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc..

As such, the following members have been seated as voting members of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff:

The following members have been seated as ex-officio (non-voting) members of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff:

The Chairman of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff may style themselves as "Chairman of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff" when conducting business on behalf of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff.

All branch heads, regardless of status, are afforded the style of "Grand Alliance Joint Chief of Staff" when conducting business on behalf of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff.

All others are afforded the style of "Grand Alliance Joint Vice Chief of Staff" when conducting business on behalf of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff.

To avoid confusion with the real-world United States military body, these styles may not be shortened and must include the term "Grand Alliance."

This directive supersedes, or invalidates, the following Admiralty Orders: AO2201-02, AO1901-01, AO1808-02, AO1707-04, AO1311-05, AO1306-03, and AO1009-04.

In Service to the Grand Alliance,

Admiral of the Red, RMN
Chairman of the Grand Alliance Joint Chiefs of Staff
Earl McCovey Cove

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