Admiralty Order 1308-02

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Admiralty Order 1308-02 was issued August 17, 2013 by the First Lord of the Admiralty. It defines the order of precedence for challenge coins within The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc..

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps and Army
From: Martin Lessem, GCE, KCR, GS, First Lord of the Admiralty, Admiral of the Fleet, Duke, New Scania
Re: Challenge Coin Order of Precedence (Admiralty Order 1308-02)

The following shall be the Order of Precedence for Challenge Coins in the Case of any dispute:

  1. Any Numbered TRMN Coin, with the Numbered TRMN EIIIR Coin taking supreme precedence. These are true challenge coins in that they are an award for work well done and issued as such.
  2. Any real world Military Coin. These are also true challenge coins in that they are given to individuals as an award or gift.
  3. Any non-numbered TRMN Coin. These can be true challenge coins if given as an award by a superior, but as they can also be bought, are also commemorative coins in those instances. Due to this dual nature, their precedence is lower.
  4. Any other organizations Coin. These can also be true challenge coins if given as an award by a superior, but as they can also be bought, are also commemorative coins in those instances. Due to this dual nature, their precedence is lower.

In Honour of the Queen!

Issued by:
Martin Lessem, GCE, KCR, GS
Admiral of the Fleet RMN
First Lord of the Admiralty
First Duke, New Scania

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