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PD-BOD-1005 Disciplinary Appeals was issued 19 August 2023 by the Board of Directors.
This Policy Document outlines the procedure by which a member may appeal a decision of the Disciplinary Committee in The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. (TRMN).


1. Per the Disciplinary Committee Policy, all decisions made and executed by this committee may be appealed to the Board of Directors, within 30 days of publication of decision, for review and final decision.

2. Appeals shall be made by notifying the Chief Legal Office (CLO) that they wish to appeal and the reason for the appeal.

3. Once notified, the CLO will request an ad hoc Review Committee be appointed by the Board of Directors’ President, consisting of 3 directors. a*. A new review committee shall be appointed for each appeal.

4. Once formed, the Review Committee shall receive all case documents and Disciplinary Committee notes, including the appeal request from the CLO.

5. The Committee shall individually review all documentation, discuss all issues, and determine if further consideration is warranted.

6. A majority vote shall be required for the appeal to be passed to the full Board of Directors for further consideration.

7. If the vote passes:

  • a. The President shall be informed and shall add the item to the next meeting agenda.
  • b. The CLO shall be informed who will notify the appellant that the BoD will take up the matter at their next meeting and the date of that meeting.
  • c. Once 7.a. and 7.b. are complete, the committee is dissolved.

8. If the vote does not pass:

  • a. The CLO shall be informed of the vote and provided a reason for the dissent. Who will inform the appellant.
  • b. The President shall be informed of the vote and reason.
  • c. Once 8.a. and 8.b. are complete, the committee is dissolved.