TRMN Background Check

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Per PD-BOD-4100 Youth Policy:
20. Background checks will be required for any role which has contact or supervisory responsibility with and for TRMN youth members other than their own.
21. All background checks must be performed by TRMN’s selected vendor(s) and such reports as are available will be maintained by BUPERS.
22. The cost of the background check will be paid by the adult TRMN member, but such costs may be counted as a donation to the Order of Queen Elizabeth.

  • Supervisory Responsibility has been ruled to include having access to any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for a youth member.

Companies Used

Sterling Volunteers


1. Obtain a link (first time only)

To obtain a link, email and request a background check to be initiated. They will send you a link that will allow you to create an account that is connected to the TRMN.

2. Fill out form

Fill in the necessary information. The TRMN will not see this information.

3. Pay the fee

You will need to pay the fee, approximately $20. However, save the receipt and submit it to to be included into your running total for the Order of Queen Elizabeth.

4. Wait

Now comes the hard part. We wait. Please be patient as the process takes 2 to 3 weeks.
Do not worry. If something does appear on the check, you will be contacted to begin a discussion about what was found. This is not a black and white process; we understand that humans are not perfect creatures.
Only the JAG, 5SL and D5SL will ever see the results.
And remember, no news is good news.

5. Participate

Now proceed to fulfill your role within the organization. Thank you for your efforts to help us keep our members safe.
And thank you for your service to the organziation.

Additional Resources

Sterling Volunteers:How do volunteers order a background check?