BuShips Directive 1701-04

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NOTE: This Wiki is the authoritative source for orders per the Fourth Space Lord. All orders have been provided by the issuing authority or are as posted in the TRMN Forums.
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BuShips Directive 1701-04 was issued 05 January 2017 under the authority of the Third Space Lord. This directive codifies the method and policy employed by BuShips to process requests for new chapters, upgrades to larger ship classes, and the removal of a chapter commanding officer, executive officer, or bosun through use of a Change of Command Request.

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted within the Royal Manticoran Navy, and those navies Allied with Her Majesty, the Sovereign Queen of the Star Kingdom of Manticore, Elizabeth III
From: RADM Sir Michael D. Garcia, KDE, RMN
Re: Form Acceptance Policy (BuShips Directive 1701-04)

This policy affects the process by which submitted forms shall be accepted by the Bureau of Ships for Commissionings, Upgrades, and Changes of Command.

Directive 1701-04.01

Effective on this date, 04 January 2017, the Bureau of Ships shall immediately accept Ship Commissioning and Upgrade forms from the prospective Commanding Officer. Forms submitted by all other personnel shall be accepted only by written endorsement in concurrence from the First Space Lord, the affected Numbered Fleet's Commanding Officer, the Deputy Commanding Officer, or the Chief of Staff. Forms not in compliance with the above shall be rejected as unauthorized.

Directive 1701-04.02

Effective on this date, 04 January 2017, the Bureau of Ships shall immediately accept Change of Command forms affecting the Commanding Officer from the outgoing Commanding Officer. Forms submitted with this effect can be accepted from others within and without the Command Triad with written endorsement in concurrence from the First Space Lord, the affected Numbered Fleet's Commanding Officer, the Deputy Commanding Officer, or the Chief of Staff. Forms not in compliance with the above shall be rejected as unauthorized.

Directive 1701-04.03

Effective on this date, 04 January 2017, the Bureau of Ships shall immediately accept Change of Command forms affecting the current Executive Officer or Ship's Bosun from any member of the subject vessel's current Command Triad. Forms submitted with this effect can be accepted from others not within the Command Triad only with written endorsement in concurrence from the First Space Lord, the affected Numbered Fleet's Commanding Officer, the Deputy Commanding Officer, or the Chief of Staff. Forms not in compliance with the above shall be rejected as unauthorized.

Advisory 1701-04.04

While the above policies may seem unnecessarily cumbersome, they are codified to prevent any miscommunication or misunderstanding with the important subject of individual unit command. Though a version of this policy has been a long-held unwritten rule in dealings with those looking to take on these duties, we wish to ensure beyond all possible doubt that the principles involved are fully aware of their investment, and that in those cases where a vessel may suffer from absenteeism in critical roles have the proper endorsement of the First Space Lord and/or the Numbered Fleet Commanding Officer (or his/her senior staff) prior to requesting intervention by BuShips.

Questions and/or clarifications requested regarding this directive shall be directed to the Third Space Lord.

The above is issued by my hand, and by the authority of the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore Elizabeth III.

Issued by:
Sir Michael D. Garcia, KDE, OC, SC, CGM, GS
Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN
Third Space Lord, Bureau of Ships

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