BuShips Directive 2303-01

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BuShips Directive 2303-01 was issued on 19 March 2023 by the Third Space Lord. This directive issues Unit Awards earned during CY 2022.

Order Text

To: The Royal Manticoran Navy, and the Grand Alliance
From: VADM Calabasas, GCE, KDR, MC
Re: Buships Directive 2303-01, Unit Awards for 2022 LoH period

19th Day, 3rd Month, 310AL

Ladies and Gentleman of the Grand Alliance,

It is my pleasure to award the following unit awards:

HMS Hexapuma (CA-412), is hereby awarded the Royal Meritorious Unit Citation for substantial contributions to their local community, as well as providing substantial presence in their local convention circuit. Their efforts shed a positive light on TRMN as an org, and their Commanding Officer, Captain Senior Grade Kerry Khun should be proud of their efforts over CY 2022.

HMS Interloper (SD-460), is hereby awarded the Royal Meritorious Unit Citation for outstanding convention presence and local volunteer work. HMS Interloper’s involvement continues to show the general populace who TRMN is and what we stand for. Captain Junior Grade John Chambers should be proud of the efforts of his crew throughout the year.

HMS Chimera (CLAC-07), Is hereby awarded the Royal Unit Citation for Gallantry for, despite their geographical disadvantage, having over 65% of their crew actively seeking to better their community, and represent TRMN as a whole. Their efforts have provided a regular virtual social event benefiting Task Group 92.1, and multiple members have provided critical services to the TRMN by means of facilitating courses for BuTrain, allowing members across the organization to successfully study and be ready for advancement when the need arises.

In Service to Her Majesty, the Sovereign Queen of the Star Kingdom of Manticore, Elizabeth III,

Issued by:
Christopher Thompson, GCE, KDR, MC, OC, SC, NS
Vice Admiral of the Red, RMN
Third Space Lord, Bureau of Ships
The Right Honorable, The Baron Calabasas



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