TRMN:Membership Handbook:ExpeditionaryForces
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Royal Manticoran Marine Corps
The RMMC is administratively divided into corps, expeditionary forces, regiments, and then smaller units. Below is the current break down of the RMMC’s corps and expeditionary forces: Corps: The RMMC is divided in to three different corps. These corps encompass several geographical regions of the globe. These may be changed as necessary by the issuance of a corps directive.
- First Corps–London Point, North & South America
- Second Corps–Europe & Africa
- Third Corps–Asia & Australia
Expeditionary Forces
TRMN is divided administratively into geographic regions of the globe. In the RMN, these are known as “naval districts”. In the RMMC, these are known “expeditionary forces.” Below is the breakdown of the expeditionary forces currently in the RMMC. These may be changed as necessary by the issuance of a corps directive.
- First Expeditionary Force (First Fleet and Sidemore Station):
- MD, DE, PA, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, NH, VT, ME, DC (includes the greater DC Metro Area), & Northern VA* – First Fleet
- QC, ON, PE, NL, NS, MB, & NB – Sidemore Station
- Second Expeditionary Force (Second Fleet):
- MN, WI, IL, IN, OH, KY, & MI
- Third Expeditionary Force (Third Fleet):
- Southern VA*, WV, NC, SC, MS, AL, TN, GA, FL & the Caribbean, Mexico and Latin American
- Fourth Expeditionary Force (Fourth Fleet):
- United Kingdom and Ireland
- Fifth Expeditionary Force (Anzus Station):
- Oceania, Australia & New Zealand
- Sixth Expeditionary Force (Sixth Fleet):
- OK, TX, AR, LA, NE, KS, MO, IA, ND, & SD
- Seventh Expeditionary Force (7th Fleet and Andermani Station):
- Central Europe
- Eighth Expeditionary Force (Eighth Fleet):
- AZ, NM, UT, CO, WY, & MT
- Ninth Expeditionary Force (Ninth Fleet):
- Research and Development. No active MARDETs
- Tenth Expeditionary Force (Tenth Fleet and Victoria Station):
- CA, OR, WA, NV, ID, & HI – Tenth Fleet
- AK, BC, YT, NT, NU, SK, & AB – Victoria Station
- Eleventh Expeditionary Force (Eleventh Fleet):
- Composition pending future activation.
- Twelfth Expeditionary Force (Twelfth Fleet):
- Composition pending future activation.
* The division line between the 1st and 3rd Fleet/Expeditionary Force in Virginia will be the 38th Parallel
The next level in the RMMC organization is the regiment. In the RMMC, regiments are a grouping of smaller units within a specific geographical area. Regiments in the RMMC are not numbered, but are named. Below is a listing of the standing regiments in the RMMC. Other regiments may be added or removed as necessary.
- First Corps, First Expeditionary Force – “The Manticore Guard Regiment” aka Manticore Guards
- First Corps, Second Expeditionary Force – “The Gryphon Highlander Regiment” aka Gryphon Highlanders
- First Corps, Third Expeditionary Force – “The Montanero Regiment”
- First Corps, Fourth Expeditionary Force – “The New Covenant Regiment”
- First Corps, Sixth Expeditionary Force – “Tannerman Rifle Regiment” aka Tannerman Rifles
- First Corps, Eighth Expeditionary Force – “The Medusa Regiment”
- First Corps, Tenth Expeditionary Force – “The Lynx Regiment”
- Second Corps, Seventh Expeditionary Force – “The Gregor Regiment”
- Third Corps, Fifth Expeditionary Force – “Royal Adrianne’s Regiment”
- Fourth Corps, Torch Fleet – “The Amistad Regiment”