TRMN:Membership Handbook:PromotionBoards

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Promotion Boards

Enlisted Promotion Board

The Enlisted Promotions Board convenes for enlisted promotions for Senior Chief Petty Officer (E-8), Master Chief Petty Officer (E-9) and Senior Master Chief Petty Officer (E-10). A Commanding Officer may issue a brevet promotion to Chief Petty Officer (E-7) but it may be audited by this promotions board at its next sitting if questions arise. The Enlisted Promotions Board will meet every other month starting in February. This meeting can be conducted either via online means or via phone. A special Enlisted Promotions Board will be convened once a year. Please see the special promotions boards section.

The composition of the Enlisted Promotions Board will be as follows:

  • Chair – Senior Master Chief Petty Officer of the RMN
  • Admiralty Member – FLA
  • Senior Fleet / Corps / Army Commander – This is the commander of the fleet/corps/army in which the enlisted member is assigned (if more than one branch has promotion eligible members, all relevant personnel will be present).
  • Senior Noncommissioned Member – The senior noncommissioned member of the appropriate branch will be invited to participate.
  • Junior Officer – A Lieutenant Senior Grade (O-3) or lower not in the chain of command above the enlisted member(s) up for promotion.
  • Junior Enlisted Member – An enlisted member between Petty Officer 3rd class (E-3) and Chief Petty Officer (E-7) not in the chain of command beneath the enlisted member(s) up for promotion.

The board should always consist of an odd number of members. If enough branches are represented to make the number of members even, one branch will be included in the next cycle. A vote to confirm a promotion must always be a majority vote (e.g. 2 to 1). Should a vote not confirm a promotion, the enlisted candidate must wait three quarters to resubmit.

Warrant Promotions

The Warrant Promotions Board convenes for all Warrant Officer promotions. It does not issue original warrants. Those are issued by the FLA.

The Warrant Promotions Board will meet the first month of every quarter starting with January. This meeting can be conducted either via online means or via phone. A Special Warrant Promotions Board will be convened once a year. Please see the Special Promotions Boards section.

The composition of the Warrant Promotions Board will be as follows:

  • Chair – chief of staff of the FLA
  • Admiralty Members – FLA and Fifth Space Lord (BuPers)
  • Senior Fleet / Corps / Army Commander – This is the commander of the fleet/corps/army in which the member is assigned (If more than one branch has promotion eligible members, all relevant personnel will be present).
  • Senior Officer – A Lieutenant Commander (O-4) up through Captain (Junior Grade) (O-6A) of the appropriate branch will be invited to participate.
  • Junior Officer – A Lieutenant Senior Grade (O-3) or lower not in the chain of command above the member(s) up for promotion
  • Second Junior Officer – A warrant officer if possible; if not, a second Lieutenant (Senior Grade) (O-3) or lower not in the chain of command above the member(s) up for promotion

The board should always consist of an odd number of members. If enough branches are represented to make the number of members even, one branch will be included in the next cycle. A vote to confirm a promotion must always be a majority vote (e.g. 2 to 1). Should a vote not confirm a promotion, the candidate must wait two quarters to resubmit.

Officer One Promotion Board

The Officer One Promotions Board convenes for all promotions Lieutenant Senior Grade and Lieutenant Commanders. The Officer One Promotions Board will meet every other month starting in February. This meeting can be conducted either via online means or via phone. A special Officer Promotions Board will be convened once a year. Please see the Special Promotion Boards section.

The composition of the Officer One Promotions Board will be as follows:

  • Chair – Fifth Space Lord (BuPers) or their designee
  • Admiralty Members – FLA, Second Space Lord (BuPlan) and Fifth Space Lord (BuPers) (Only if designee used to chair).
  • Senior Fleet / Corps / Army Commander – This is the Fleet / Marine Corps / Army Commander to which the member is assigned (If more than one branch has promotion eligible members, all relevant personnel will be present).
  • Senior Officer – A Lieutenant Commander up through Captain Junior Grade of the appropriate branch will be invited to participate.
  • Junior Officer – A Lieutenant Senior Grade or lower not in the chain of command above the officer(s) up for promotion.
  • Second Junior Officer – A Lieutenant Junior Grade or lower not in the chain of command above the officer(s) up for promotion

The board should always consist of an odd number of members. If enough branches are represented to make the number of members even, one branch will be included in the next cycle. A vote to confirm a promotion must always be a majority vote (e.g. 2 to 1). Should a vote not confirm a promotion, the candidate must wait three quarters to resubmit.

Officer Two Promotion Board

The Officer Two Promotions Board convenes for all promotions for Commander and Captain Junior Grade. The Officer Two Promotions Board will meet every other month starting in January. This meeting can be conducted either via online means or via phone. A Special Officer Promotion Board will be convened once a year. Please see the Special Promotions Boards section.

The composition of the Officer Two Promotions Board will be as follows:

  • Chair – Fifth Space Lord (BuPers) or their designee
  • Admiralty Members – FLA, Third Space Lord (BuShips) and Sixth Space Lord (BuTrain)
  • Senior Fleet / Corps / Army Commander – This is the Fleet / Marine Corps / Army Commander to which the member is assigned (If more than one branch has promotion eligible members, all relevant personnel will be present).
  • Senior Officer – A Lieutenant Commander up through Captain Junior Grade of the appropriate branch will be invited to participate.
  • Junior Officer – A Lieutenant Senior Grade or lower not in the chain of command above the officer(s) up for promotion.
  • Second Junior Officer – A Lieutenant Junior Grade or lower not in the chain of command above the officer(s) up for promotion

The board should always consist of an odd number of members. If enough branches are represented to make the number of members even, one branch will be included in the next cycle. A vote to confirm a promotion must always be a majority vote (e.g. 2 to 1). Should a vote not confirm a promotion, the candidate must wait three quarters to resubmit.

Flag Promotion Board

A flag promotions board shall be convened for every flag promotion of Rear Admiral (F-2) and higher.

The Flag Officer Promotions Board will meet every other quarter starting in April. This meeting can be conducted either via online means or via phone. A special officer promotions board will be convened once a year. Please see the Special Promotions Boards section.

The composition of the Flag Officer Promotions Board will be as follows:

  • Chair – Chief of Staff for the First Lord of the Admiralty
  • Admiralty Member – First Lord of the Admiralty
  • Branch Commanders (Quarter 2) – First Space Lord and Marshal of the RMMC
  • Branch Commanders (Quarter 4 ) – High Admiral of the GSN and Marshal of the RMA
  • Senior Fleet / Corps / Army Commander – This is the commander of the fleet/corps/army in which the member is assigned (If more than one branch has promotion eligible members, all relevant personnel will be present).
  • Senior Officer – A Rear Admiral of the Green (F-2) up through Admiral of the Red (F-4) of the appropriate branch will be invited to participate. This person *must* hold a command of their own.
  • Officer – A Captain (Junior Grade) (O-6a) up through Commodore (F-1) not in the chain of command above the officer(s) up for promotion. This person may have held a command of their own, or served as a staff officer.
  • Junior Officer – A second Captain (Junior Grade) (O-6A) up through Commodore (F-1) not in the chain of command above the officer(s) up for promotion.

The board should always consist of an odd number of members. If enough branches are represented to make the number of members even, one branch will be included in the next cycle. A vote to confirm a promotion must always be a majority vote (e.g. 2 to 1). Should a vote not confirm a promotion, the candidate must wait three quarters to resubmit.

Civil Service Review Board

A civil service review board shall be convened for every civilian promotion above Administrator (C-4), which is not a billet promotion.

The civil service review board will meet during the second month of each quarter starting in February. This meeting can be conducted either online or via phone and applications should be submitted to the chief of staff for the FLA. A special review board will be convened once a year. Please see the Special Promotions Boards section.

The composition of a civil service review board will be as follows:

  • Chair – FLA
  • Branch Commander – FSL
  • Senior Civilian – This is a civilian of C-13 or above who is not in the chain of command of the civilian up for promotion. Preferably they should be of the same track as the candidate.
  • Civilian – This is a civilian equal to or greater than the civilian up for promotion. They should not be in the chain of command of the civilian up for promotion. Preferably they should be of the opposite track as the candidate.
  • Civilian – This is a civilian equal to or lower than the civilian up for promotion. They should not be in the chain of command of the civilian up for promotion. Preferably they should be of the same track as the candidate.
  • Non-Voting Member – The Judge Advocate General or designee.

The board should always consist of an odd number. A vote to confirm a promotion must always be a majority vote (e.g. 2 to 1). Should a vote not confirm a promotion, the candidate must wait at least two quarters to resubmit.

Special Cases

A special promotions board will convene the Friday night before the annual conference to consider all promotions submitted to it for that time period.

The composition of a special promotions board shall be as follows:

  • Chair – Most senior Admiral/General present
  • Senior Officer – Second most senior Admiral/General/Officer present
  • Junior Member – A junior officer or enlisted member

The board should always consist of an odd number. For Civil Service promotions, a civilian should, when possible, replace the junior member. A vote to confirm a promotion must always be a majority vote (e.g. 2 to 1). Should a vote not confirm a promotion, the candidate’s promotion may be resubmitted in time for the next regularly constituted promotions board.

The "Missing Man" Rule

Should a person of appropriate rank not be found, the FLA may pick a replacement of any rank based on availability. As the organization grows, the need for this rule to be invoked should decrease.

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