Eighth Fleet Order 1911-A
FROM: Headquarters Eighth Fleet
SUBJECT: Eighth Fleet Awards for November 2019 • Eighth Fleet Order 1911-A
1. For service and performance at SpikeCon/Manticon 2019, Chief Petty Officer
Robert Benton Jr, KDE, is awarded the Navy Achievement Medal. CPO
Benton was instrumental in representing TRMN to the public at large at one
of the largest and most important science fiction conventions of the year.
2. Captain (JG) Michael Naron, SC, OG, QBM, is awarded the Conspicuous
Bravery Medal for going above and beyond, ensuring that the staffing of
the TRMN table was always present over the four days of the event. This
degree of dedication brings honor to Captain Naron, the HMS Cyclops, and
the Royal Manticoran Navy.
3. Brigadier General Greg Fitzsimmons, CE, is awarded the Conspicuous
Bravery Medal for going above and beyond the call of duty during the
events of SpikeCon/Manticon 2019. General Fitzsimmon took an exceptional
number of shifts for the Shore Patrol, standing as the guardian to the
badged areas of the conventions for hours on end. General Fitzsimmons
dedication to duty is a credit to himself, MARDET Wolf, and the Royal
Manticoran Marine Corps.
4. Civilian Two Megan Hall is awarded the Prisoner of War Medal for
appearing in her Browncoat Gear while wearing a distinctive element of an
RMN uniform; the beret. This event occurred during the Tucson Comic Con
2019 where the HMS Cyclops and HMLAC FastJack had their recruiting table.
Robert Bulkeley Jr, KSK, SC, DSO, CGM
Admiral of the Green, RMN
Eighth Fleet, Commanding
Duke, Mountain View