Second Highest Valor

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Second Highest Medal for Valor
(Tier 1 award)
Authority: The Houses of Parliament, presented
by the Steering Committee Chairperson
on behalf of the Parliament
Frequency: As needed and awarded bi-annually in
April and October.


This award is the second highest award for valor issued in the RMN and is also the second highest non-military award. The Queen’s Cross for Bravery is awarded for attempted life-saving efforts, even if the life is not saved. Rescuing a kitten from a tree would not qualify, while saving a kitten from drowning in a river would. It may also be awarded for circumstances which would normally merit the award of a Survivor’s Cross but which involved enhancement factors such as danger to the individual or multiple victims.

Parliament is the final authority on whether actions qualify as attempted or successful life-saving, or if enhancement factors apply. For this award to be granted, attestation from at least one witness is required, which can include the person saved or media coverage of the circumstances. The recipient is entitled to the post-nominal letters ‘QCB’.

Because of the nature of their professions, the award for those personnel in Real World Aid Giving positions will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by Parliament.

The Chair of the Steering Committee, or their designee, will then present the award on behalf of the Monarch at the next event at which the recipient will be present.

Award by Service

