Eighth Fleet Order 1704-01
To: All Officers and Enlisted of 8th Fleet, other Royal Manticoran Forces, The Grayson Space Navy and other Members of the Grand Alliance
From: CMDR J. Eddy Roberts, Acting Commanding Officer, 8th Fleet, RMN
RE: Assignment of Fleet Staff
As of the date of this order, by my hand, and under the authority of the Queen, I hereby announce the following staff appointments to the Fleet Staff of 8th Fleet.
CAPTJG Marcus Johnston (HMS Claymore) to serve as Acting Deputy Fleet Commanding Officer LTCMDR Brennan Theler (HMS Siren) to serve as Fleet Operations Officer CPO Michael Lesnick (HMS Claymore) to serve as Fleet Intelligence Officer
Chief Petty Officer Lesnick, in order to discharge the duties of your new position, you are hereby brevetted to the rank of Lieutenant Senior Grade, RMN.
In service to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore.
J. Eddy Roberts Commodore, RMN Acting Commanding Officer, 8th Fleet