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#REDIRECT [[Membership Handbook]]
== Administration ==
== Administration ==

Latest revision as of 17:50, 30 January 2025

Member Handbook Navigation
Front Foreword Organization Administration Membership Set Up of Organization Chapter Formation Military & Civilian Academies Ranks Peerage Code of Conduct


The administration of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. is controlled by the space lords, who report to the First Space Lord. These seven lords work behind the scenes to ensure that TRMN runs smoothly.

The descriptions below are a brief summary of bureau’s responsibilities. A complete & detailed description of each bureau’s duties & responsibilities can be found in each specific bureau’s manual.

Space Lords of TRMN
BuPlanCrest.png BuShipsCrest.png BuCommCrest.png BuPersCrest.png BuTrainCrest.png BuSupCrest.png
