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* [[Service to the Organization]]
* [[Service to the Organization]]  
***Extraordinary and pre-eminent achievement or merit in service to the Honorverse or TRMN at large.
* [[Leadership within the Organization]]
* [[Leadership within the Organization]]
***Inspirational service and leadership.
* [[Financial Support to the Organization]]
* [[Financial Support to the Organization]]
***Donations to The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. through monetary or non-monetary means.
* [[Meritorious Service to Society]]
* [[Meritorious Service to Society]]
***Distinguished service in the armed forces, but also for service to science, art, literature or the promotion of culture.

==Awards for Valor==
==Awards for Valor==
* [[Highest Valor]]
* [[Highest Valor]]
*** Attempted life-saving efforts where the life is actually saved and in which an enhancement criterion applies.
* [[Second Highest Valor]]
* [[Second Highest Valor]]
*** Attempted life-saving efforts, even if the life is not saved.
* [[Wounds]]
* [[Wounds]]
*** Seriously injured while on duty during an event or participate in a blood donation drive at an approved event.
* [[Second Lowest Valor]]
* [[Second Lowest Valor]]
*** Promoted public health in their community in a quantifiable way.
* [[Lowest Valor]]
* [[Lowest Valor]]
*** Providing medical assistance for medical incidents not rising to the level of life threatening.

==Awards for Gallantry==
==Awards for Gallantry==
* [[Highest Gallantry]]
* [[Highest Gallantry]]
*** Exceptional service to the organization, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or b) by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty.
* [[Second Highest Gallantry]]
* [[Second Highest Gallantry]]
*** Exceptional service to the organization in general, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by b) performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher award.
* [[Second Lowest Gallantry]]
* [[Second Lowest Gallantry]]
*** Exceptional service to the organization in general, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by b) performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher award.
* [[Lowest Gallantry]]
* [[Lowest Gallantry]]
*** Exceptional service to the organization in general, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by b) performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher award.

==Awards for Bravery==
==Awards for Bravery==
* [[Highest Bravery]]
* [[Highest Bravery]]
*** Perform their duties in a manner above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for gallantry award.
* [[Second Highest Bravery]]
* [[Second Highest Bravery]]
*** Perform their duties in a manner above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher medal.
* [[Lowest Bravery]]
* [[Lowest Bravery]]
*** Perform their duties in a manner above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher medal.

==Awards for Service==
==Awards for Service==
* [[Highest Service]]
* [[Highest Service]]
*** A mission or assignment exceptionally well done.
* [[Second Highest Service]]
* [[Second Highest Service]]
*** For an action grand enough to warrant recognition.
* [[Third Highest Service]]
* [[Third Highest Service]]
*** Perform their duties in a manner above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher medal.
* [[Fourth Highest Service]]
* [[Fourth Highest Service]]
*** Rendered exceptional service to a particular unit by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence.
* [[Second Lowest Service]]
* [[Second Lowest Service]]
*** Meritorious service to the unit.
* [[Lowest Service]]
* [[Lowest Service]]
*** An achievement that helps to support the unit.

==Awards for Special Services==
==Awards for Special Services==
* [[Extended Dedicated Service]]
* [[Extended Dedicated Service]]
* [[Exceptional Carrier]]
*** Lengthy and dedicated service to The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Fan Association.
* [[Exceptional Career]]
*** Performed exceptional service to the Crown, over a long period of time in a senior staff position
* [[Service to the Authors]]
* [[Service to the Authors]]
*** Distinguished service to the Prime Minister, his Family, or any other Honorverse author.
* [[Special Attendance]]
* [[Special Attendance]]
*** Attendance at HonorCon 2017, or MantiCon 2018.
* [[Pandemic Award]]
* [[Pandemic Award]]
*** Any member who served during the COVID-19 pandemic
* [[Anniversary]]
* [[Anniversary]]
*** any member who served during the 12 Month Calendar Year for an organizational anniversary divisible by 5.
* [[Time in Service]]
* [[Time in Service]]
*** Awarded upon completion of your fifth, tenth, etc. year of service with the organization.
* [[Peerage]]
*** Exceptional service and dedication to the organization above and beyond all other awards.

==Campaign Awards==
==Campaign Awards==
* [[Foreign Service]]
* [[Foreign Service]]
*** Participation on behalf of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. at a function of another fan organization
* [[Travel]]
* [[Travel]]
*** Undertaken extreme or lengthy travel on behalf of the organization.
* [[Showing the Flag]]
* [[Showing the Flag]]
* [[Grand Alliance Convention]]
*** The TRMN member *must* wear a distinctive service item with their other uniform or fandom appropriate attire.
* [[Fleet Convention]]
* [[Grand Alliance Event]]
*** Participate at an officially announced Grand Alliance event.
* [[Executive/Flag Event]]
*** Participate at an official announced Executive or Flag event.
* [[Charity]]
* [[Charity]]
*** Making donations totaling at least $300 USD to TRMN-sponsored charities.

==Training Awards==
==Training Awards==
* [[Elite Training]]
* [[Elite Training]]
*** Successfully completing forty (40) courses from the Bureau of Training.
* [[Officer Training]]
* [[Officer Training]]
*** passing the enlisted and officer's primary courses from any of academies in the Bureau of Training.
* [[Instructor]]
* [[Instructor]]
*** Served as an Instructor in the Bureau of Training for at least six months.
* [[NCO Training]]
* [[NCO Training]]
*** Successfully completed all the enlisted rank courses in one academy and for having served for at least a one year period as an E7/C7 to E10/C10 after completing the course work.
* [[Basic Training]]
* [[Basic Training]]
*** successfully completing any course offered by Bureau of Training and being assigned to a chapter.

==Unit Awards==
==Unit Awards==
* [[High Honor]]
* [[High Honor]]
*** A chapter that has gone above and beyond as a whole unit to achieve a special goal.
* [[Superior]]
* [[Superior]]
*** A chapter that has gone above and beyond the call of duty by displaying gallantry, determination and esprit de corps in their activities.
* [[Above and Beyond]]
* [[Above and Beyond]]
*** One Unit in each group for performance above and beyond as compared to the other Units in that group.
* [[Fleet Distinction]]
* [[Fleet Distinction]]
*** Unit which most demonstrates their excellence compared to the rest of the Fleet.

* [[Marksmanship]]
* [[Marksmanship]]
* [[General Qualifications]]
* [[Space Warfare]]
* [[Aerospace Wings]]
* [[Aerospace Wings]]
===Service Specific===
===Service Specific===
* [[BuPers:QualificationBadges:Hyper|Hyper-command star]]
* [[BuPers:QualificationBadges:Hyper|Hyper-command star]]
* [[Fleet Marine Force]]
* [[Fleet Marine Force|Fleet Marine Force Corpsmen]]
* [[Combat Infantry Badge]]
* [[Combat Infantry Badge]]
* [[Civilian Pin]]

==Honor Societies==
==Honor Societies==
* [[HMS Unconquered]]
* [[GNS Covington (C3)|GNS Covington (GSN)]]  
* [[GNS Covington (C3)]]
* [[HMS Unconquered|HMS Unconquered (RMN/RMMC)]]  
* [[Monarch's Own|Monarch's Own Regiment]]
* [[Monarch's Own|Monarch's Own Regiment (RMA)]]
* [[Privy Council|Her Majesties Most Honorable Privy Council]]
* [[Privy Council|Her Majesties Most Honorable Privy Council (Civilian)]]
* [[Terracotta Gardens of Honor]]
* [[Terracotta Gardens of Honor|Terracotta Gardens of Honor (IAN)]]
* [[BuTrain:Honor Societies|Academic Honor Societies]]
* [[BuTrain:Honor Societies|Academic Honor Societies]]

[[Category: Awards]]
[[Category: Awards]]

Latest revision as of 23:21, 18 September 2024


Awards for Valor

  • Highest Valor
      • Attempted life-saving efforts where the life is actually saved and in which an enhancement criterion applies.
  • Second Highest Valor
      • Attempted life-saving efforts, even if the life is not saved.
  • Wounds
      • Seriously injured while on duty during an event or participate in a blood donation drive at an approved event.
  • Second Lowest Valor
      • Promoted public health in their community in a quantifiable way.
  • Lowest Valor
      • Providing medical assistance for medical incidents not rising to the level of life threatening.

Awards for Gallantry

  • Highest Gallantry
      • Exceptional service to the organization, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or b) by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty.
  • Second Highest Gallantry
      • Exceptional service to the organization in general, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by b) performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher award.
  • Second Lowest Gallantry
      • Exceptional service to the organization in general, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by b) performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher award.
  • Lowest Gallantry
      • Exceptional service to the organization in general, either by a) demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by b) performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher award.

Awards for Bravery

  • Highest Bravery
      • Perform their duties in a manner above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for gallantry award.
  • Second Highest Bravery
      • Perform their duties in a manner above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher medal.
  • Lowest Bravery
      • Perform their duties in a manner above and beyond the call of duty, but not enough to qualify for a higher medal.

Awards for Service

Awards for Special Services

  • Extended Dedicated Service
      • Lengthy and dedicated service to The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Fan Association.
  • Exceptional Career
      • Performed exceptional service to the Crown, over a long period of time in a senior staff position
  • Service to the Authors
      • Distinguished service to the Prime Minister, his Family, or any other Honorverse author.
  • Special Attendance
      • Attendance at HonorCon 2017, or MantiCon 2018.
  • Pandemic Award
      • Any member who served during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Anniversary
      • any member who served during the 12 Month Calendar Year for an organizational anniversary divisible by 5.
  • Time in Service
      • Awarded upon completion of your fifth, tenth, etc. year of service with the organization.
  • Peerage
      • Exceptional service and dedication to the organization above and beyond all other awards.

Campaign Awards

  • Foreign Service
      • Participation on behalf of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. at a function of another fan organization
  • Travel
      • Undertaken extreme or lengthy travel on behalf of the organization.
  • Showing the Flag
      • The TRMN member *must* wear a distinctive service item with their other uniform or fandom appropriate attire.
  • Grand Alliance Event
      • Participate at an officially announced Grand Alliance event.
  • Executive/Flag Event
      • Participate at an official announced Executive or Flag event.
  • Charity
      • Making donations totaling at least $300 USD to TRMN-sponsored charities.

Training Awards

  • Elite Training
      • Successfully completing forty (40) courses from the Bureau of Training.
  • Officer Training
      • passing the enlisted and officer's primary courses from any of academies in the Bureau of Training.
  • Instructor
      • Served as an Instructor in the Bureau of Training for at least six months.
  • NCO Training
      • Successfully completed all the enlisted rank courses in one academy and for having served for at least a one year period as an E7/C7 to E10/C10 after completing the course work.
  • Basic Training
      • successfully completing any course offered by Bureau of Training and being assigned to a chapter.

Unit Awards

  • High Honor
      • A chapter that has gone above and beyond as a whole unit to achieve a special goal.
  • Superior
      • A chapter that has gone above and beyond the call of duty by displaying gallantry, determination and esprit de corps in their activities.
  • Above and Beyond
      • One Unit in each group for performance above and beyond as compared to the other Units in that group.
  • Fleet Distinction
      • Unit which most demonstrates their excellence compared to the rest of the Fleet.



Service Specific

Honor Societies