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NOTE: This Wiki is the authoritative source for orders per the Fourth Space Lord. All orders have been provided by the issuing authority or are as posted in the TRMN Forums.
RMN Bureau Orders
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BuPers Directive 2406-01 was issued on 26 August 2023 by the Fifth Space Lord. This directive appoints the Bureau of Personnel Yeoman for the Office of Member Services.

Order Text

To: All Personnel of the Grand Alliance
From: VADM Bronte Creek, RMN
Re: Background Checks

We would wish to thank Baroness Alnwick Estates for her excellent management of the Background Check program up to this point. As laid out in the organizational Youth Policy, BuPers is now taking over this responsibility.

The following are examples of positions which are going to require a background check, but this list is not comprehensive:

  • Any member with a supervisory role over a minor which is not their own
  • Fifth Space Lord, Deputy Fifth Space Lord, BuPers Chief of Staff, all staff processing new applications in the Office of Member Services
  • Fourth Space Lord
  • Treasurer
  • any member who requires access to the ability to view all members in Medusa

The following positions it is highly suggested to get a background check but not required, unless they require access to the last point above:

  • All other Space Lords, their Deputies and CoS'
  • All Branch Heads and their Deputies
  • Board of Directors Members

The results of the background checks will only be visible to the Fifth Space Lord, Deputy Fifth Space Lord, and Lord Chancellor. A finding on a background check will not automatically bar you from serving in the above positions as it will depend upon what was found. Background checks are good for 3 years.

If you wish to get a background check please contact BuPers with a request for one and our team will arrange to assist you with it.


Vice Admiral of the Red David Misener, KSK, GCE, KCR, MC, SC, OGL, DSO, CGM
Fifth Space Lord
TSC Personnelman



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