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Running for Member of Parliament

Any Fleet / Station resident, except those ineligible to hold a House seat, may nominate any other resident of their Fleet / Station, including themselves, to serve as a Member of Parliament.

Nominations are collected by the JAG Ombudsman for the Fleet / Station, who will verify eligibility.

The nominees must confirm their willingness to stand for election.


The nominees may campaign for a period of two weeks. Campaigning will be set up via the Forums in a sub-forum for each Fleet.

Campaigns will be moderated by the Fleet JAG Ombudsman. After two weeks of campaigning, voting will occur for a period of one week.


The voting will be done by a ranked system, where you get to rate all candidates. The rating will begin with 1 as your most preferred, 2 for the next, 3 for the next and so forth. Depending on the number of MPs your Fleet / Station gets, the JAG Ombudsman will tally up the votes an announce the winners.

If you are not eligible to hold an MP position, you may still vote for your local MP. However, you are barred from commenting on the election or attempting to influence the selection of nominees or the final MPs. This is a one time offense with no warning. If you are guilty of commenting on the election, you will be banned from the election forum for your Fleet, and immediately forfeit your positions. If you are a Peer with no other positions, your Peerage will be reduced by one step, unless you are a Baron, in which case your peerage will be revoked.

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Admiralty Order 1107-03
Admiralty Order 1108-04