TRMN:Membership Handbook:Demotion

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Once a rank is awarded, only a gross violation of another member’s rights or violation of an Admiralty Order will cause demotion. A promotion panel will meet and a vote of three to two will confirm the demotion. This is only to be used in the most extreme cases. A promotion panel convened for the purpose of demotion must contain five members in good standing.

The exception for a demotion is a reduction to previously earned rank due to not taking or demonstrating a good faith effort in taking tests. These reductions may be done by the FSL for RMN personnel, the Commandant of the RMMC for RMMC personnel, the Marshal of the RMA for RMA, IAN & RHN personnel, the High Admiral of the GSN for GSN personnel, and the FLA for civilian personnel.

A request by a member to demote them will also be considered. Such requests must come in writing and contain an explanation for the request. The FLA, together with the JAG and the senior JAG ombudsman, will make a final decision on if this is to be accepted on a case-by-case basis. This will give you a brief introduction to Peerage in TRMN. We use Peerages to recognize members who have shown a higher level of leadership and a commitment to the benefit of the membership and organization, while demonstrating service above and beyond what their rank requires. Peerage is defined as a system of titles of nobility in the Star Kingdom of Manticore, the Imperial Andermani Empire and the Protectorate of Grayson. The term is used both collectively to refer to the entire body

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