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Combat Infantry Badge

Combat Infantry Badge

The Royal Manticoran Army Combat Infantry Badge (CIB) is issued in acknowledgement of active participation across TRMN for Army members.

The qualifications for the CIB are specified in Army Directive 2111-05.[1]


The Combat Infantry Badge can be awarded to any TRMN member, but only soldiers in the Royal Manticoran Army or military personnel of the Grand Alliance assigned to an Army installation or unit in a support capacity, or a Colonel of the Regiment when wearing RMA uniform, may wear such a device. That soldier must reach a total of twenty (20) points in qualifications in the four categories below, with the provision that members must have at least (2) points from each category. Both enlisted and officers are qualified to wear the CIB and the requirements are the same for both.

1. Marksmanship

Current Grand Alliance Marksmanship Manual is available for download at https://trmn.org/miscellaneous-manuals/

**Each issuance of a Marksmanship Award counts as (2) points, so the first award is (2) points then an additional (2) thereafter.**

2. Charity

The Charity awards that count for purposes of the CIB include both issuances of the Grand Alliance Campaign Medal. AND issuances of the Order of Queen Elizabeth Medals.

**Each issuance of a GACM or OQE medal counts as (2) points, so the first award is (2) points then an additional (2) for each level of OQE or issuance of GACM. If the member gave enough to OQE to skip a level-then the level(s) skipped count as (2) points each as well.**

3. Academics

Attending any Academy within BuTrain and completing courses will earn you .5 points per course.

**Example: 4 RMA academy courses equal 2 points.**

4. Event Participation

By earning a Prisoner of War Medal, Silesian Peacekeeping and Observation Medal, Masadan Occupation Medal, Havenite War Campaign Medal, or Havenite Operational Service Medal you can earn (2) points per issuance.

Combat Infantry Badge, cloth subdued patch

Request For Award

To apply for the Combat Infantry badge, please email the Deputy Marshal at deputy@rma.trmn.org and the link to the Google Form will be sent to you. Once you have filled out the information, and approved, then the award will be emailed to you and announced on forums.
