Protector’s Order 1809-001

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TRMN Orders & Directives
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Protector’s Order 1809-001 was issued 20 September 2018 by the High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy. It updated and continued the appointment of various offices.

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Grayson Space Navy, the Royal Manticoran Forces, Imperial Andermani Navy, Republic of Haven Navy and All Other Members of the Grand Alliance
From: High Admiral Angela Sanders, GSN
Re: Continuing Offices (Protector’s Order 1809-001)

As of the date of this Order, by my hand, and by the authority of Benjamin Bernard Jason Mayhew IX, Protector of Grayson, I hereby reaffirm and uphold the following appointments of my predecessors.

  • Senior Master Chief Petty Officer Kathy Rau to the position of Senior Master Chief Petty Officer of the Grayson Space Navy
  • Captain (SG) Jeremy Carsten to the position of Intelligence Officer in the Office of Sword Intelligence and Liaison to the Bureau of Planning.
  • Captain David Sanders to the position of Comptroller in the Office of Budget of Finance and Liaison to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  • Captain Aaron Davis as Liaison to the Bureau of Supply
  • Rear Admiral Martyn Griffiths as Commanding Officer, Fourth Fleet
  • Senior Master Chief Petty Officer William Underhill to the position of Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer, Fourth Fleet

As such they are ordered to immediately report to my offices at Sword Hall. Upon their arrival, they are to confer with my Office to establish the necessary and proper function of their offices. They will then be held to continue the execution of their duties to the best of their abilities, each standing to their Test, and with the Intercessor’s aid, call upon their ingenuity and discretion to interpret and accomplish the orders, directives and duties assigned to their offices.

This Order supersedes the following Protector’s Orders: 0101-17, 0108-17, 1704-01, 1805/002, 1805/003, 0501-17

This Order rescinds the following Protector’s Orders: 1102-13, 0901-14, 1201-16, 0106-17, 0107-17

This Order is effective retroactive to 2018 June 01.

For Grayson, the Keys, the Sword and the Tester!

Issued by:
High Admiral Angela Sanders
High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy
“Always a way forward.”

See Also

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