BuPlan Order 1612-02

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Buplan Order 1612-02 was issued 18 December 2016 under the authority of the Second Space Lord. It Appointment of Deputy to the Second Space Lord position in the Bureau of Planning.

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy and all Allied Navies
From: Rear Admiral of the Green Diane K Bulkeley, MC, CR, SC, DSO, Countess New Essex, Second Space Lord
Re: Appointment of Deputy to the Second Space Lord (BuPlan Order 1612-02)


As of the date of this Order, by my hand, and by the authority of the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore Elizabeth III, I hereby appoint Captain SG Dame Cindy Jeffers, CR, QBM, CBM as Deputy Second Space Lord, effective 18 December 2016. She is hereby promoted to the rank of Commodore (F-1) with all the privileges and honor accompanying this rank and billet.

Commodore Jeffers, you are instructed to report to the office of the Second Space Lord post-haste and take your place in the Office of the Second Space Lord.

Congratulations on your leveling up, Commodore Jeffers. Admiral D Bulkeley and the staff await you and are very excited to get the ball rolling. Welcome aboard!

In Honor of the Queen,

Issued by:
Diane K Bulkeley MC, CR, SC, DSO
Rear Admiral of the Green, RMN
Second Space Lord, Bureau of Planning
Countess New Essex




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