BuTrain:Honor Societies

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The Mark West Society (SIA and IMNA)

Membership in the Mark West Society is offered to those of the Grand Alliance who have completed all the RMN Enlisted Courses (SIA RMN-0001 through SIA-RMN-0006) and all of the RMN Warrant Officer Courses (SIA-RMN-0011 through SIA RMN 0013) or all of the GSN Enlisted Courses (IMNA GSN-0001 through IMNA-GSN-0006) and all of the GSN Warrant Officer Courses (IMNA-GSN-0011 through IMNA-GSN 0013). There are four levels to the Mark West Society:

Grades for all nine courses of at least 70%.
Cum Laude Member
Average grade of at least 90%.
Magna Cum Laude Member
All grades of at least 90%.
Summa Cum Laude Member
All grades of 100%.

Creator and Beta-Tester grades count as 100% for the purposes of calculating these averages (beta-testing a new version of a course will not change existing grades for that course).

Students become members at the highest level earned (either RMN or GSN).

The Ellen D'Orville Society (SIA)

Membership in the Ellen D’Orville Society is offered to those of the Grand Alliance who have completed all the RMN Officer Courses (SIA-RMN-0101 through SIA-RMN-0106 plus SIA RMN-0113 and SIA-RMN-0115). There are four levels to the Ellen D’Orville Society (the highest two levels also require the completion of all five RMN War College courses):

Grades for all eight Officer courses of at least 70%.
Cum Laude Member
Average Officer grade of at least 90%.
Magna Cum Laude Member
Average Officer grade of at least 95% along with completion of all War College Courses with an average grade of at least 90%.
Summa Cum Laude Member
All Officer grades of 100% along with completion of all War College Courses with average grade of at least 95%.

Creator and Beta-Tester grades count as 100% for the purposes of calculating these averages (beta-testing a new version of a course will not change existing grades for that course).


Membership in an SIA Honor Society is not automatic. You must apply for membership once you meet the eligibility requirements. To apply, you must complete the application at the following link by the 19th of the month for that month’s announcement. Click here to go to the current form.

The 32 Club

The purpose of the 32 Club is to recognize those members who have completed the available curriculum in the SIA Technical Specialties College. Within the Technical Specialties College, there are a substantial number of courses across a wide set of specialties. Most students take a few courses in the field(s) that they are interested in role playing or focus on the courses that will get them their Space Warfare Pin. However, a few students fully complete the entire curriculum.

There are currently 99 SIA TSC courses (A, C, and D, not counting W) available. The successful completion of the numerous specialty courses across that wide a range of fields is an achievement that should be celebrated and recognized. The 32 Club is named in recognition of the number of courses available at the time of its creation. This will not change as courses get added into TSC but remain as a mark of that point in time. The 32 Club is open to all who have completed the full curriculum in SIA TSC (at the time they apply) regardless of branch and has two levels:

Requirements: Complete all A, C, and D courses in the SIA TSC.
Requirements: Complete all SIA TSC D courses plus at least one W project in each of the eight SIA TSC departments.

Administration will be at the level of the SIA TSC Commandant’s office, with applications being received and processed by the SIA TSC Chief of Staff and membership awarded by the TSC Commandant. Applicants can fill out a Google form here, or email the TSC CoS (tsccos@sia.trmn.org) with a request to be recognized as eligible for inclusion in the 32 Club. The TSC CoS or TSC Commandant will review the applicant's record to determine eligibility and level.

New members will be inducted once per month, as soon after month end as practical; this will be by an announcement on the forum. This announcement will be by the SIA TSC Commandant or the TSC CoS for the Commandant. Members will be emailed a certificate to certify their membership and level. When courses are added to the TSC, existing members will automatically be grandfathered through at their current level. However, if they wish to apply for a higher level, they must have completed the full requirements (at the time of their upgrade application) for that level.

All members may purchase and wear the 32 Club pin (currently being developed) as an emblem of their achievement. However, this is not an approved uniform item so it may not be worn on a TRMN uniform.

KR1MA Honor Society - Chiron House

The Chiron House is the honor society of the King Roger I Military Academy. The Chiron House recognizes excellence among those who excel academically and as leaders among their peers. Membership is offered to those of the Grand Alliance who have taken a minimum of four (4) courses in either the—

  • Enlisted Schools (KR1MA-RMA-0001 through 0008),
  • Technical Specialties Section (KR1MA-RMAT-02A through 019B), or
  • Warrant Officer Schools (KR1MA-RMA-0011 through 14) and

Achieve a score of 100% in two (2) of those exams. The Chiron House also encourages its members to emulate the Five Star qualities: Honor, Leadership, Professionalism, Officership, and Unity. Membership is awarded by the KR1MA once you have qualified.
