TRMN:Membership Handbook:PromotionCriteria

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Promotion Criteria


To be eligible for promotion, whether via board review or, for the lower enlisted ranks, promotion by commanding officer, the candidate must have the following:

  • The required time in grade
  • A score of at least 70 percent on the qualifying exam
  • A minimum combined criteria weight of 80 percent
  • A billet must exist for:
    • Enlisted members being promoted to chief petty officer (E-7) or higher
    • Warrant officers being promoted to chief warrant officer (W-3) or higher
    • Officers being promoted to lieutenant senior grade (O-3) or higher

The weight of each will be as follows:

  • Time in Grade – 25 percent
  • Qualifying Exam:
    • 70 percent on Exam – 20 percent
    • 80 percent on Exam – 30 percent
    • 90 percent on Exam – 40 percent
    • 100 percent on Exam – 50 percent
  • Commanding officer’s recommendation:
    • Negative recommendation, but application submitted – 5 percent
    • Neutral recommendation – 20 percent
    • Good recommendation – 25 percent
    • Excellent recommendation – 35 percent
  • If SWP or branch equivalent complete – 10 percent

Using this scale, it is possible to get promoted with either a 70 percent or a negative recommendation, but such a promotion requires time in grade and a 100 percent score on the qualifying exam.

To be eligible for civilian promotion via board review, the candidate must have the following:

  • A majority (at least 75 percent) of the recommended time in grade
  • A score of at least 70 percent on the qualifying civil service exam
  • A minimum combined criteria weight of 80 percent
  • A position:
    • Must exist for a civilian being promoted to C-13 or higher
    • Should exist for a civilian being promoted to C-5 or higher

The weight of each will be as follows:

  • Time in Grade:
    • 75 percent of TIG – 15 percent
    • 90 percent of TIG – 20 percent
    • 100 percent of TIG – 25 percent
  • Qualifying Exam:
    • 70 percent on Exam – 20 percent
    • 80 percent on Exam – 30 percent
    • 90 percent on Exam – 40 percent
    • 100 percent on Exam – 50 percent
  • Supervisors Recommendation:
    • Negative recommendation, but application submitted–5 percent
    • Neutral recommendation–15 percent
    • Good recommendation–20 percent
    • Excellent recommendation–30 percent

Using this scale, it is possible to get promoted with either a 70 percent or a negative recommendation, but such a promotion requires time in grade and a 100 percent score on the qualifying exam

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To be eligible for special promotion, whether via board review or, for the lower enlisted ranks, promotion by commanding officer, the candidate must have the following:

  • Be no more than half way outside the time in grade window
  • A score of at least 90% on the qualifying exam
  • A minimum combined criteria weight of 90 percent
  • A billet must exist for:
    • enlisted members being promoted to Chief Petty Officer (E-7) or higher
    • Warrant officers being promoted to Chief Warrant 0fficer (W-3) or higher
    • Officers being promoted to Lieutenant (Senior Grade) (O-3) or higher

The weight of each will be as follows:

  • Time in Grade–25 percent minus 2 percent for each month outside the window for enlisted members and minus 5 percent for each month outside the window for warrant officers and officers.
  • Qualifying Exam:
    • 90 percent on exam–40 percent
    • 100 percent on exam–50 percent
  • Commanding Officer’s Recommendation:
    • Negative recommendation, but application submitted–5 percent
    • Neutral recommendation–15 percent
    • Good recommendation–30 percent
    • Excellent recommendation–40 percent

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Billet Assignment

In the rare event that any member is promoted due to the billet they are assigned to (e.g. Admiral of the Red for Seventh Space Lord or Rear Admiral of the Red for Commander Home Fleet) they *MUST* have completed all their required courses for that level. If the candidate has not completed his/her courses prior to promotion, he/she will remain at their current rank. If the candidate subsequently completes their courses, they may apply to have their appropriate billet rank instated. This will be solely at the discretion of the appointing officer.

The JAG or JAG-ombudsman will verify the records of the candidate for promotion and, based on the records, TIG and billet (if applicable), provide a positive or negative recommendation to the members of the board.

Submission Deadlines

These are the deadlines for the receipt of promotion request. They can be received before these times, but no later.

Enlisted – One month prior to the promotion board convening Warrant – The last month of the preceding quarter of the promotion board convening. Officer One – One month prior to the promotion board convening Officer Two – One month prior to the promotion board convening Flag – Second month of the preceding quarter to the promotion board convening. Civilian – One month prior to the promotion board convening Special – Two weeks prior to an event where the promotion will be given

Reporting Criteria

Once a board has been held, the Convening Officer or designee has one week to inform BuPers unless a promotion is to be handed out at a TRMN-run convention or if it has been requested to be kept confidential by the Fleet Commander or branch equivalent. In such cases, the information is still to be sent to BuPers within one week, but an effective date is to be included, and BuPers is not to enter the promotion into the database before that date. The Fifth Space Lord will then notify the Commanding Officer of each candidate to inform him/her of the results. If approved, the Fifth Space Lord will instruct the candidate’s Commanding Officer to make the formal promotion announcement. If the candidate’s promotion was not approved, the Fifth Space Lord will notify the candidate’s Commanding Officer and without compromising the Board’s confidentiality, help the Commanding Officer improve the candidate’s chances for the next board.

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